Saturday, December 24, 2011

E sfarsit de an... si momente de evocare.......

Antrenor de inot Mircea Olaru May 7, 2009 by B
Filed under: doping, inot click aici

Nu am avut onoarea sa-l cunosc pe antrenor dl. Olaru Mircea, dar redau mai jos un comentariu al domniei sale…

‘goana dupa rezultate la varste uimitor de mici….
orgolii neimpartasite ale unor parinti, bunici, antrenori de mana 2-a…..
toate converg, mai sunt si altele.., spuneam – converg spre doping, blestemul sportului contemporan.
este practicat in toate tarile si sporturile indiferent de varste si alte categorii… dar in materie de doping eu repet ce-a zis dl. dr. prof. univ. Ioan Dragandecat sa-l practici nestiind nimic ds. ‘el’ mai bine sa facem ceva spre a fi cunoscut in toata ‘splendoarea sa’ ….

mai nou, dopingul este 'rasplatit' penal si cu excludere din viata sportiva… si totusi tentatia ascunsa exista

dar dopingul ar putea fi combatut chiar la el acasa… cum ? in loc sa cerem performante conditionate biologic (efort maximal etc) sa cultivam dorinta de a demonstra o cat mai buna tehnica de inaintare in apa; acest lucru se poate face in maniera anticului ‘festina lente’, care aplicat la inot inseamna ‘a inota cat mai repede cu cat mai putine miscari’ si fiind vb. ds.- copii – evident pe distanta de 50m

Din 1983 acest ‘festina lente’ la noi s-a numit BEST de catre M. Olaru (antrenor federal atunci..,) adica _ acronimul de la ”the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimmming Test” si astazi el are urmatorul inteles: din valoarea constanta a ”Indicelui Personal de Alenecare” (IPA) [care, la om, se calculeaza scazand din Lungimea maxima a corpului culcat in pluta ventrala - minus suma Nr. de Kg. + Nr. cm. circumferintei sub-axilare / ca la croitor... calcul care da o valoare fixa cel putin 365 de zile...], deci din acest IPA se scade suma Nr. de secunde adunate cu Nr. de cicluri de vaslire cu bratele = puncte best ale eficientei de inaintare in apa

pt a vedea ca povestea este de mare actualitate va rog sa vizitati 2 linkuri in care il vedi vedea pe antr. Bob Bowman + Michael Phelps care ‘stiu’ ce inseamana a numara miscarile… sau, cel mai la moda antr. scriitor de carti de inot E. Maglischo care pledeaza de parca ar fi in urma cu ani si ani la noi, in 1983 ….
see, please <<.
pt consultatii – seee -

in aceste conditii cine se mai dopeaza este… un biet nebun… copii pot inota perfect, corect, elegant fara doping !!!
azi am primit de la firma Speedo (22.04.09) un email prin care sunt anuntat ca in curand va aparea pe piata un accesoriu important – Speedo Counter Watch care numara electronic miscarile… deci daca mai adaugati si informazia de la ”www.” … puteti trece la inot adevarat fara exagerari si orgolii nemasurate[vezi ceasul multifunctional Polar F4]


mircea Olaru, Buc., 22 04 09


intre timp, cei care au avut initiativa practica dupa 'bestselerul' meu numit BEST..., au reusit sa produca, pentru uzul multora, ceasul-counter care numara ideal vaslirile pe o anumita distanta programata etc.


SWIMNOVATE - Pool-Mate ;


FINIS - water wach.......;

si asa se incheie o perioada plina de sperante si, din pacate, vise desarte; nimeni nu a crezut in 'formula BEST' afara de cativa entuziasti englezi sau americani; am acasa un prototip al lui Pool-Mate si ma uit la el cu bucurie..., o bucurie nostalgica: daca n-o fost sa fie....n-o fost, asta-i !


Dear Sirs,

I am 76 years old, 65 of which were spent near the swimming pool, about 50 years of coaching with some modest successes... I've become interested by your activity, which I think can become a model for other organizations too...
I'm going to trust the discernment you must have, after so many successes, and I want to tell you about an idea that has no material end, and is not meant to bring a profit, but it can clarify the approach in reaching performance in swimming and other sports as well

Many years ago, around 1980, I've developed a new concept for swimming efficiently; initially, I started from a famous ancient quote 'festina lente' - and then I noticed that it works well for competitive swimming too.

As I was behind the Communist 'Iron Curtain' that prevented any contact with the outside world, my idea didn't reach the West at that time; it was completed in 1983 and published in the Magazine for Physical Education and Sports (no. 3/1983) in an article entitled 'The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test (BEST)'. The article had a simple point - the efficiency of a swimmer is given by adding the number of strokes he needs to swim 50 meters with the number of seconds taken by this swim.

Going forward on this idea, I've tried to apply it to training children this way - as I was given the opportunity: I've asked them to swim as fast as they could but with the fewest number of strokes; surprisingly the children started to swim better, and ended up winning swimming competitions.
Then I had the proof that my concept had a practical utility, and I started to promote it... In 1995 I've discovered that American coaches (Hines, Hanulla, Maglischo, and recently also Bob Bowman / M. Phleps) had also independently arrived at the same conclusions. However, my formula is can be particularized for every swimmer, by taking his or her physical characteristics into account (see attachment, BEST definitions)
All this time, I've always been aware by the fact that the counting of the strokes had to be done automatically somehow... I tried to contact important companies, such as Speedo, in this respect, with little success, but last year, in UK, a company launched the Pool Mate watch that advertised this feature. I purchased a watch immediately, but was a little disappointed by its stroke counting accuracy and consistence...

Finally, I'm waiting that either Pool Mate improves and becomes the watch I've dreamed of since the 80's (accurate stroke counting), or that others understand my concept, its usefulness and the need to have such a tool for stroke counting - of course other features can be added such as wireless transmission of data to the coach, allowing real time feedback, etc.

With such support, the BEST concept could reach its true potential, and the training could become more scientific and better focused on optimal results.

Thank you,


Dear friends,

About the BEST concept - what does it mean?

It is a formula with which we can mathematically calculate the individual efficiency + the effectiveness of the technique for each swim-stroke; the formula has been inspired by the ancient aphorism –
Festina lente…! (Suetonius / 69-141 a C.,Les ’Douse Cesars’)

For swimming (
it can be adapted for other sports, too), the ‘BEST formula’ (the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test, acronimus) may be described as follows:

[ P.G.I. + (K) ] - [ Time in sec. / 50m + Number of arm-strokes / 50m ] = ....points
he score, in points, of the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test (B.E.S.T.)

(K) = a positive constant, chosen by convention, ex..for BEST formula = 100 points

------------------------ and

P.G.I. = the Personal Gliding Index, computed like this

[ L. + (K) ] - [ Kg.+ Q ]

L. = maximum length of the body in floating position (ventral)
(K) = again a positive constant, chosen by convention, ex. 100 points
Kg. = weight
Q = circumference of the thorax in max. expiration (under armpits)

M.O. ph.ed, Bucharest, Romania ,17 12 08 , < >

PS/ please open


after reading this links and attachs, I hope you'll be able to understand that “Mircea’s BEST formula” (publicated since 1983) can provide a mathematical evaluation of the swimming efficiency, and can also be used to improve it.

And please do not forget - those who aim to swim at a higher speed with the least possible number of strokes ... gradually, will realize that this improves their swimming technique (I guess would not be too exaggerated to say that practicing swimming this way will have an effect as miraculous on technique as 'stem cells' may have on human health) and this is one of the most important parts of swim training.

For a modern work (21st Century …) in this concept – we need this ‘Speedo Counter watch’, unfortunately the Staff of Speedo abandoneded this accesory; they lost one well chanse with this ‘swimming watch’.(see attach 002 +003, the duplex). I ask you for product - 31SYY83AEGl._SS500_ that mean - the Speedo Wach Counter for swimming.....!

Please make sometink to change this decision.., the market need this accesory (see experience of M. Phelps / attach 001).

Got bles you !

Mircea 0laru, Bucharest


Definiţii BEST, Les Definitions du BEST,

The BEST Definitions, Der BEST – Definitionen

!/. Tehnica corecta inseamna eficienta de miscare in apa… “testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot”(best) se calculeaza astfel: adun ‘timpul’(‘t’) cu ‘vaslirile’(‘v’) suma lor o scad dintr-o valoare constanta (‘k’)(aleasa aleator = ‘100’) + indicele personal de alunecare (ipa). adica - { 100+ipa } – { timp + vasliri } = ......

1. La tehnique corecte de la nage implique l’efficience du mouvement dans l’eau.

’’Tester l’efficience / l’efficacite biomecanique dans l’eau’’ [ The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test – B.E.S.T. ....] ce calcule comme suit:

- aditioner le temps (’T’) au les mouvement (par 50m) (’M’), la somme se deduit d’une valeur constante (’K’)[choisie aleatoire, par ex. = 100 point] + l’Indice Personel de Glisse (I.P.G.) c’este a dire, la formule:

[100 + IPG ] – [ ’T’ + ’M’] = ...

offre le meilleur resultat, (points BEST).

1/The corect swim-technique means the efficiency of the movements in the water; it can be calculated by this way: add the number of the seconds and the number of the stroke-cicles (by 50m) and this sume will be extracted from the other constant sume provided from adition of the one constant value (K) (100) plus the Index of the personal Gliding (IPG)

!/. *Die korrekte Technik setzt eine effiziente Fortbewegung im Wasser voraus...”Testen der biomechanischen Effizienz beim Schwimmen” (best)

Diese wird wie folgt berechnet: wir addieren die zwei Werte (Zeit und Züge); die Summe wird aus einer Konstante „k” abgezogen ( „k” wird per Zufall ausgewählt = „100”) + persönlicher Gleitindex (pgi).

D.h. – { 100+pgi } – { Zeit + Züge } =.......

2/ Obiectivitatea conceptului si a formulei ‘b.e.s.t.’ rezida din urmatoarea logica: ‘adun doua marimi, (timpul / ’t’ + vaslirile / ’v’) care au sens descrescator, - dupa care, le scad din constanta {‘100’ + ‘ipa’} si obtin (facil + repede / mental way ...) valoarea prestatiei in apa’

2. La logique du BEST et son objectivite:

J’additionne deux valeurs, deux quantites , le temps T. et le mouvement M. (des cicles de bras – pour Libre et pour le Dos 2 bras alternative, pour Brasse et pour Papillon une cicle concomitente, seulmant), les valeur qui ont un sens (desirable...!) decroissants et apres je deduis de la valeur constante (anterieur calcule) [ ’100 + IPG’] et j’obtiens (tres facile et vite / by mental way...) la valeur de la prestation dans l’eau.

2/The objectivity of the ‘best formula’ results from this new exercise of logic: ‘we add two value (time+stroke), this values have their sense descendent (!)…, and, after we substrate this sum from one constant value (accidentally (k) = 100 + ipg points)’.

in this mod we can obtain (very easy, by mental way) the supreme value of the swimming efficiency.

2/ Die Objektivität des Konzeptes und der Formel „b.e.s.t.” baut auf die folgende Logik auf: „ wir addieren zwei Gröβen, (Zeit + Züge), die einen absteigenden Sinn verzeichnen. Diese werden nachher von der Konstante { „100” + „pgi”} abgezogen. Das Ergebnis (einfach + schnell / mental way...) stellt den Wert der Leistung im Wasser dar.

3/“indicele personal de alunecare” (i.p.a. / este ca un kard-annual) ‘L.’ + (k) – (kgr. + Q) ‘L.’ = lungimea maxima a corpului / pluta ‚(k)’= o constantă cu valoare 100 puncte ‘gr.’ = greutatea in kilograme / + ‘q.’ = diametrul/cm. subaxilar in expiratie profunda – the “index of personal gliding “ (i.p.g.)

3. L’indice de la Glisse dans l’eau (IPG) este une valeur constante, comme un card banquare, qui le calcule annuellement:

’L.’ + (encore une ’K’ de 100 points, aleatoire...!) la somme se deduit d’une autre somme resulte par addition de ’Kgr.’ + ’Q.’, c’est a dire:

[ L. + (K) ] – [ Kgr. + Q ] =

la valeur anuelle plus constante de IPG en points....

’L.’ – longuer maximale du corp entierre

(la possision fondamentale de nage - planche de flotation du corp sur le ventre ou sur le dos verrifie sur terrre);

(k) – une ciffre constante, aleatoire, d’une valeur de 100 points;

’Kgr.’ - Kilogrames du corp, sur terre;

’Q.’ – le diametre en cm. de la cage thoracique en expir profonde, et le resultat de cette formule que l’on nomme – Indice Personel de Glisse (IPG) dans l’eau, avec ses point et d’une valeur constante, annuelle.

3/The index personal of gliding (ipg) is lake a ‘credit card’ (the validity is minimum one year): with this ipg we can organize the series of the race in perfect ‘faire-play’ (indifferent of the sex or age) the competitors with same or appropriate values will be introduce in the same series …the periodical calcul of this ipg formula is found with regarding to the hydrodynamics principle (reynolds+froude),

so: ‘’from the value of the maximum longer of the body (ventral float position)(L.) / in additions with another accidentally value constant (k=100), we will substrate the sum of the nr. of kgr. (weight) with the Q. (nr. of cm. of the circumference of the upper thorax in deep expiration). ‘L.’+(k) – ( ‘kgr.’ + ‘q.’)

3/ „Der persönliche Gleitindex” (p.g.i./ ist wie eine Kreditkarte, die 1 Jahr gültig ist (kard-annual)). „L” = die maximale Körperlänge / ventral float position; „k” = eine Konstante mit dem Wert von 100 Punkten; „kgr” = das Gewicht in Kilogramm / + „Q” = Durchmesser/cm des oberen Brustkorbabschnittes bei tiefer Ausatmung

4/ aplicabilitatea ‘annual kard-(ului)’(ipg – index of personal gliding ), indiferent de sex si chiar de varsta subiectilor…, este data de faptul ca criteriile alese, pentru folosirea sa ca instrument de departajare / organizare a intrecerilor de inot sportiv , sunt cele induse in selectia naturala:

# cu cat un corp este mai lung (l.),

# cu cat un corp este mai usor, (gr.)

# cu cat un corp este mai ingust (q.)

cu atat mai eficient pluteste, aluneca sau inainteaza !

4. L’application (calculation) annuelle du kard IPG –non peliee du sex, genne, et de l’age du suject (!), sont donnes comme une unique critere pour departager / organiser les eventuellle competitions (des series avec une real ’fraire-play’) de concurs de ’excelence tehnique de nage’ par 50m, car ce sont les criteres induits par la selection naturelle:

- plus que le corp est long .....

- plus que le corp est leger....

- plus que le corp est etroit ....

cet corp peut glisse et avance plus bien, plus efficace !

4/The valability of the index personal of gliding (ipg) results from that – all criteria selected to make the series for the challenge was selected from the normal natural selection:

when the longer of the body is big…

when the weight of the body is light...

when the frontal section of the body is small

the float, the gliding and the swimming speed will be more efficiency to advance better with one correct technique !

4/ Die Gültigkeit des „kard-annual” (pgi – persönlicher Gleitindex), unabhängig von Geschlecht oder Alter der Angewiesenen..., ist darauf zurückzuführen: die Kriterien, die ausgewählt wurden, um zu bestimmen, inwiefern die „annual kard” als Instrument zur Unterscheidung von Leistungen oder Veranstaltung von Schwimm-Wettkämpfen verwendet werden kann, gehen auf die natürliche Auswahl zurück:

je länger ein Körper ist (l.),

je leichter ein Körper ist (kgr),

je schmaler ein Körper ist (q.),

desto effizienter wird er schwimmen, gleiten oder sich im Wasser fortbewegen.

** The numbering of rowing cycles can be made by visual inspection or with a mechanical/electronic(?) counter that could avoid the errors (see attach nr.2).

****** Die Zählung der Ruderungsabläufe kann frei (visuell) durchgeführt werden oder mit Hilfe eines mechanischen/elektronischen (?) ‘counter’s, der die Kopfzählung vereinfachen soll und mögliche Fehler vermeiden soll (Varianten).

Bibliografie selectiva:

1/M. Sgrumala, I. Bidoaie –

‘Proiectarea navelor mici, Ed. Tehnica, Buc. 1978, p.17,

(Principiul Reynolds – Froude, bibl.: Saunders, N-York, 1957))


INOT – manual metodic, Ed. Sport-Turism, 1982, p.184,


Rev E.F.S. nr 3/1983 p.49 "Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot'.


Rev E.F.S. nr. 2/1987, p.27 'Ierarhizarea numerica a prestatiilor inotatorilor'.


'Să nu ne temen de apă', Ed. Sport-Turism, 1988, p.90, sport-book


Note de curs-inot, Univ. Ecologica Buc., Ed. Universitara, 1991, p. 123

7/M.Olaru –

Postere/Afise editate de FRN & Canada Swimming Natation,1995, color, 4000 ex.


'Fitness Swimming', Human Kinetics, p.27, ('Swimming Golf'), 1995.

9/D. Hannula-

“ Coaching Swimming succesfully’’, p.78 ( Minimum-Nr-.swims),1995

10 / M.Olaru

Rev.'Stiinta Sportului', ed CCPS, nov 1999, Referat - ‘Un nou concept in pregatirea inotatoriilor'.

11/ M.Olaru

’Despre inot… cu Mircea Olaru’,CD+4 postere, ed. SSE, 2007, 1000 ex.

12/ M. Olaru

Referat la sesiunea de comunicari a Univ. Spiru Haret, Buc, 2008

‚’Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot’

13. E. Maglisho – ‚

’Stroke Counting Drills’’, from Swimming fastes, Hk Book ,2003


FINA devlopment - aici

si cand te gandesti ca am copilarit impreuna.....- nu-i asa mai Picolino ce esti..!

FINA's life pres. Javier Ostos Mora, Mexic > FINA's Ex. Dir. Cornel Marculescu

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