Hi Brent,
                 [Mircea > By Google translate]

I think the speed with which you answer me is a way of decline analysis problem which you propose to convey colleagues.

Rowing count is currently performed with Pool Mate and Finis accessories (1) and the fact that Bob Bowman a.a.,  
is concerned the subject confirms all (2).

To solve our appliances discussion on this dilemma, that is, until I hope you will have time to consult several sources 
believe it is better not to talk about "to be or not to be 'in that direction.

I, at the age of 76 years and 62 activities on the swimming pool - remain a curious supporter of your activity, 
don’t forget – we are two different generations
All good,

Eu cred ca rapiditatea cu care mi-ai raspuns este un mod de a refuza analiza problemei pe care propui s-o transmiti colegilor.
Numaratoarea vaslirilor este, la ora actuala realizata de accesoriile Pool Mate si Finis (1) iar faptul ca  Bob Bowman si altii sunt preocupati de subiect confirma totul (2).

Pana la rezolvarea discutiei noastre asupra acestei dileme, adica pana cand, sper ca ve-i avea timp sa consulti mai multe surse cred ca este bine sa nu mai discutam despre 'a fi sau a nu fi' in aceasta directie.

Eu la varsta de 76 ani si 62 de activitate pe marginea bazinului - raman un curios sustinator al activitatii tale; nu uita ca noi suntem doua generatii diferite……..

http://DespreInot-cu Mircea Olaru,ph.ed.blogspot.com/

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Brenton Ford
To: Mircea Olaru
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [Despre Inot - cu Mircea Olaru, ph.ed] About the BEST concept - what does it mean? // 02

Hi Mircea,

If you watched the video I recommend counting strokes. I said to forget counting strokes because most people don't do it anyway. If a swimmer wants to improve then stroke count is important.

Thank you for the resources and articles.
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Mircea Olaru <scanave@yahoo.com> wrote:
02/ dear brent...,
counting the strokes is a pretty hard job...
I experienced this since 1983 when I discovered the optimal relations, the mathematics to calculate the efficiency at swimming (BEST concept) when I had to know how many strokes the swimmer was executing...

years have passed and, a while ago, Swimnovate/UK and Finis/USA companies made an instrument by which the counting is done electronically, so wit no mistakes; I think that it is also because of me and my messages that these accesories shown up for an excelent preparation.

my concept is named BEST (Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test), and was published in 1983 in Romanya. The concept is well known by many coaches I have corresponded. I am fighting with the idea that the efficiency doesn't mean a world record, it is an optimal relation between the speed and consumed energy (a) + in order not to make a random evaluation when one wants to calculate the efficiency, I am using asteady comparison criteria, which has no changes (only in means of time, years...) which is "the personal gliding indicator" (b). Also in some other sports we have these indicators: bicycle, rowing, skying, etc. 
Which is the advantage to know how efficient you swim? By this, anyone can know how good he can swim, during the training (whatever his championship value is) or during the competition: here I am talking about novice children and ... why not, Masters Competitions, or maybe future competitions in which, swimmers how are interested to know how good or efficient they swim may participate...

the material I am sending you is gathered from publications, old letters and though the addresses, links have changed, the essence is the same = the one who want to be efficient in swimming must swim correct (1) and this is done only under the circumstances when he can make the greatest speed with less strokes (2) ( thus, the strokes must be counted!)
maybe after you read and understand the material ... you will not be so against the "counting of the strokes" - for me it is very important (see M.Phleps and Bob Bowman's video clip, only in my blog)
All the best,

 dear brent...,
 a numara vaslirile este o treaba destul de grea...
eu m-am lovit de acest impediment inca din 1983 cand am gasit relatia optima, matematica de calculare a eficientei la inot[conceptul BEST]...
dar iata ca anii au trecut si, de curand, firmele Swimnovate/UK si Finis/USA au realizat instrumentul cu care numaratoarea este facuta electronic deci fara erori

conceptul meu se numeste BEST {Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test}, este publicat in 1983 si cunoscut de multi antrenroi cu care am corespondat, dar eu ma lupt cu ideia ca eficienta nu inseamna record mondial ci relatia optima intre viteza de inaintare si energia consumata [a] + ca sa nu fie facuta o apreciere intamplatoare cand se vrea calcularea eficientei, eu folosesc un criteriul de comparatie stabil, acre nu prea poate suferi schimbari [doar in timp de ani...] si anume 'Indicele personal de alunecare'[b]

in felul acesta, mental si sigur orisicine poate sa stie cat de bien inoata, fie la antrenament indiferent de valoarea sa din compionat...], fie la concurs: ma refer aaici la copii incepatori si... dece nu, la competitiile Masters

materialul de mai jos este cules din referate, scrisori mai vechi si uneori adresele s-au schimbat dar esenta ramane .....; cine vrea sa aibe eficienta la inot trebuie sa inoate corect si asta numai in conditiile cand reuseste sa reproduca 'cea mai mare viteza - cu cele mai putine miscari' [ele , evident, trebuie numarate !]

Poate ca dupa ce citesti si intelegi conceptul meu... nu ai sa mai fii asa de neincrezator in activiattea asta de 'numaratoare a vaslirilor' = pt. mine ste chiar foarte importanta 

Cu bine

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Blogger <no-reply@blogger.com>
To: scanave@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: [Despre Inot - cu Mircea Olaru, ph.ed] About the BEST concept - what does it mean?


Dear friends,

About the BEST concept - what does it mean?
It is a formula with which we can mathematically calculate the individual efficiency + the effectiveness of the technique for each swim-stroke; the formula has been inspired by the ancient aphorism – Festina lente…! (Suetonius)

For swimming (it can be adapted for other sports, too), the ‘BEST formula’ may be described as follows:

[ P.S.I. + (K) ] - [ Time in sec. / 50m + Number of arm-strokes / 50m ] =   ....
he score, in points, of the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test (B.E.S.T.)

(K) = a positive constant, chosen by convention, ex..for BEST formula = 100 points

P.G.I. = the Personal Sliding Index, computed like this

                              [ L. + (K) ] - [ Kg.+ Q ]
L. = maximum length of the body in floating position (ventral)
(K) = again a positive constant, chosen by convention, ex. 100 points
Kg. = weight
Q = circumference of the thorax in max. expiration (under armpits)

M.O. ph.ed, Bucharest, Romania ,17 12 08 .........................>