inca n-am citit articolul care urmeaza..., dar ma grabesc sa las amintirile sa iasa 'de la astia vechii'... care azi nu mai pot deschide gura de cati destepti au aparut ..., amintiri provocate de titlul articolului [spuneam ca inca nu l-am citit..]....


'eu, la 18 ani, 1954, in cantonament de pregatire la munte, la Pestera, cu inca alti 20 de colegi , am dat si probe de PFU{dar skiam mult in 'caldare'.

regretatul Carol Korcek, antrenor proaspat venit de la ICF...,  a facut 3 testari;

una era cu flotarile, intinse ca panza de cort si eu, mi-aduc aminte am facut 36 in 30 sec. ....!

a doua era cu urcatu' pe fringhia de jumnastika...; te aseza-i pe sol , in pozitia eker, cu franghia intre picioarele perfect initnse [deci nemiscate] si te catara-i cat de repede si corect in sus, numa' din brate si din poz. eker... - tin minte ca eu am facut-o de 3 ori, fara oprire si cat de poate de corect ....!

a treia era sa alergi pe panta din spatele cabanei, zapada pana le genunchi, in viteza cca 200-300 m... nu mai situ ce am facut, dar ma facut...

hai dragii mei, noii sportivi de performanta, care merjeti la toate concursurile si va intreceti cu elita... care dintre voi faceti ce faceam noi atunci... ???

[regret s-o spun dar la Pestera nu a fost sa vina si unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei, omu' care m-o primit cu bratele deschide la club, cand am venit in Buc., de la Stiinta Cluj..., in 3 Ian. 1953; Ticky Mladin, daca venea era si el printre primii, nu te voi uita draga Ticky ca tu m-ai dus la scoala la I. L . Caragiale si m-ai inscris ca 'vedeta' clasei X-A [ culmea, a fost atunci, 1953, in clasa erau, atarnate pe pereti cca. 12-14 ....TABLORI CU 'ALESII NEAMULUI'.... IAR DIN BANCI SE UITATU LA TABLOURI COLEGII MEI, CARE ERAU FII ACESTOR ALESI... CHAIR CA ERA COMICA SITUATIA]

In anii din urma Ticky obisnuia sa ne scrie des si sa trimita felicitari frumoase; pe asta am pastrat-o si mi s-a parut haioasa; dar Ticky, cand cu greu s-o indurat sa aiba calculator, a mizat pe 'stiinta’ mea ds. treaba asta iar eu i-am spus ca 'se invata din greseli si incercari repetate'; el s-o tare suparat pe mine, acum nu ne mai vorbim si se pare ca fiecare o sa treaca in lumea dreptilor suparat unul pe alalalt... Doamne Ajuta-ne sa dispara invrajbirea asta; eu stiu ca am tot facut pasul  potrivit de impacare, incearca si tu Ticky, pana nu-i prea tarziu....







Inspiring the older generations…


Wednesday, September 12, 2012 1:01 PM

The Top 15 Resistance Exercises

David Joyce

What a festival of summer sport it has been! The best ever Olympics and Paralympics have, understandably, taken centre stage, but we’ve also been treated to the European Football Championships, an awesome Tour de France along with the perennial favourites of the tennis grand slams, golf majors as well as international and club competitions in the various football codes, cricket, basketball etc, etc, etc.

"Whilst we certainly must focus on the kids, it’s also worth noting that these Games will have inspired the older generations as well"
The major strapline of the London 2012 Games was “Inspire a Generation” and, understandably, we all take it to mean the younger generation, the ones that will have looked on with awe at Chris Hoy, Sally Pearson, David Rudisha, Alex Zinardi, David Weir et al. and then turned to their Mum and Dad and said “I want to be one of them”.
Whilst we certainly must focus on the kids, it’s also worth noting that these Games will have inspired the older generations as well. My local rowing club have seen a huge rise in the number of masters athletes taking up the sport. This is brilliant news because there exists a vast amount of evidence that tells us of the mental and physical health of exercise in the elderly.
In my own experience, people who take up a sport after a major event like the Olympics participate with the zeal of a convert…for the first 2 months, before realising that they have gone from doing not much, to doing a lot in a short period of time. This is especially evident in the masters athlete, whose body does take longer to adapt to new physical stresses. Running is a sport that seems particularly to see a rapid rise in participation rates following the Olympics. When I was working in sports clinics, I would always see a rise in the numbers of clients that would present to me with anterior knee, Achilles tendon and plantar fascia pain.
A number of weeks ago, I discussed periodization and this is particularly important for any masters athlete looking to increase their training load at the moment. Making hay when the sun shines is not an expression that carries any weight with Achilles tendons and so we need to be strategic with our programme design.
I suggest that, irrespective of the sport, you think about dividing the programme into high, medium and low load days. Try to only do 2 high load days per week and intersperse them medium and low load days. Bear in mind that what was medium load when you were 22 might be high load now that you’re 45 so you need to be honest with your assessment. Also, what is high load for you might be medium load for one of your mates. You can’t fool your own tendons!
Also, consider the fact that with training and adaptations, what is high load now will become medium load and you can adapt your programme accordingly. This should help your programme undulate appropriately and keep you in good shape so your inspiration doesn’t just wither away.
‘Til next week,
Stay robust amigos!

David Joyce
Sports Medicine and Performance Consultant for Team China leading up to the London Olympics. Holds Masters degrees in both Sports Physiotherapy and Exercise Science and lectures on the MSc in Sports Physio course at the University of Bath and on the MSc in S+C at Edith Cowan University.