Thursday, August 12, 2010

Myrtha Pools 2010

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Myrtha Pools
Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 5:17:02 PM
Subject: 1st Fina World Aquatic Convention

Edition of 11/08/2010
Myrtha Pools will be among the main sponsor as a partner of the 1st FINA World Aquatics Convention to be held next September 27-28-29 in Punta del Este in Uruguay.

This event will be a unique opportunity to gather more than 500 of the Aquatic protagonists: Olympic family, National Federations, Sponsors & Broadcasters, Event Organisers, Bidding & Host Cities, Media representatives, suppliers and companies in the Aquatics and sports event business.

Myrtha Pools, as FINA technical partner, has constructed some very important pools, which have hosted some of the most important international swimming competitions, like the last World Championship in Rome09 and in this event will once again be in pole position to promote the aquatic sports and will be available to all federation and committees interested in the construction of new swimming facilities.

In the 1st World Aquatics Convention FINA is ready to present its vision for the Aquatic Sports in 21st century through the development of its FINA Member National Federations. Only by reinforcing the strength of FINA’s members can we increase the value of Aquatics in the global sports market. FWAC will constitute a major milestone for the Aquatic sports community to build up networking and establish new relationships.

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Emil Cioran despre MUNCA

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From: andrei linteanu
To: mircea olaru ;

Gesendet: Sonntag, den 1. August 2010, 7:06:41 Uhr
Betreff: : Emil Cioran despre MUNCA-

Emil Cioran despre MUNCA

Oamenii muncesc in general prea mult pentru a mai putea fi insisi. Munca este un blestem.
Iar omul a facut din acest blestem o voluptate. A munci din toate fortele numai pentru munca, a gasi o bucurie intr-un efort care nu duce decit la realizari irelevante, a concepe ca te poti realiza numai printr-o munca obiectiva si neincetata, iata ceea ce este revoltator si ininteligibil.
Munca sustinuta si neincetata tampeste, trivializeaza si impersonalizeaza.
Ea deplaseaza centrul de preocupare si interes din zona subiectiva intr-o zona obiectiva a lucrurilor, intr- un plan fad de obiectivitate. Omul nu se intereseaza atunci de destinul sau personal, de educatia lui launtrica, de intensitatea unor fosforescente interne si de realizarea unei prezente iradiante, ci de fapte, de lucruri. Munca adevarata, care ar fi o activitate de continua transfigurare, a devenit o activitate de exteriorizare, de iesire din centrul fiintei.. Este caracteristic ca in lumea moderna munca indica o activitate exclusiv exterioara.
De aceea, prin ea omul nu se realizeaza, ci realizeaza..
Faptul ca fiecare om trebuie sa aiba o cariera, sa intre intr-o forma de viata care aproape niciodata nu-i convine, este expresia acestei tendinte de imbecilizare prin munca.
Sa muncesti pentru ca sa traiesti, iata o fatalitate care la om e mai dureroasa decit la animal. Caci la acesta activitatea este atat de organica, incat el n-o separa de existenta sa proprie, pe cind omul isi da seama de plusul considerabil pe care-l adauga fiintei sale complexul de forme al muncii. In frenezia muncii, la om se manifesta una din tendintele lui de a iubi raul, cind acesta este fatal si frecvent. Si in munca omul a uitat de el insusi.
Dar n-a uitat ajungand la naivitatea simpla si dulce,ci la o exteriorizare vecina cu imbecilitatea.
Prin munca a devenit din subiect obiect, adica un animal, cu defectul de a fi mai putin salbatic.
In loc ca omul sa tinda la o prezenta stralucitoare in lume, la o existenta solara si sclipitoare, in loc sa traiasca pentru el insusi - nu in sens de egoism, ci de crestere interioara - a ajuns un rob pacatos si impotent al realitatii din afara.
Ideea din spatele citatului este ca munca in exces diminueaza personalitatea umana, cu cat muncesti mai mult, cu atat te transformi mai mult intr-un automat, robot. Ti se diminueaza sau chiar dispare timpul sa-ti pui intrebari, sa gandesti, timpul destinat contemplatiei, artei, amicilor, persoanei iubite, adica exact ceea ce ne defineste ca oameni.
Viata ti se petrece intr-o rutina obositoare (de la a da cu sapa, pana la a aduna cifrele intr-un cabinet de contabil si chiar pana la a preda aceeasi materie, ani de-a randul, elevilor de aceeasi varsta), pe care cand o termini, nu mai poti face altceva decat sa dormi, pt a o putea lua de la cap a doua zi..
Munca in exces dezumanizeaza si de aceea e imperativ sa vedem munca cel mult ca pe un rau necesar, ce trebuie evitat sau scurtat ori de cate ori avem ocazia, daca vrem sa ne pastram integritatea fizica si sanatatea mintala.
In consecinta, repet ca cei care umbla dupa placeri scumpe, chiar daca au, uneori, un mic plus de satisfactie dintr-o mancare luata la un restaurant de lux, fata de cea luata la cantina, sunt per total in pierdere, daca au facut nesabiuinta sa munceasca pentru a avea banii pt respectiva distractie.

M.Olaru: si daca nu am mai munci....? Chiar asa....?

The 10 golden rules of sports nutrition

Performanta+sanatatea si alimentatia ....

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sports Performance Bulletin
Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 2:42:04 PM
Subject: The 10 golden rules of sports nutrition

The 10 Golden Rules of Sports Nutrition
The task of framing the perfect nutrition plan can be a daunting task even for experienced athletes. However, as Amanda Carlson explains, if you break it down into different pieces and understand those individual parts that make the whole, you will discover that creating the perfect nutrition plan to meet your needs is just a series of simple steps.
Foundation nutrition
my work with athletes, I break down foundation nutrition into ‘10 rules to live by’. If you can ensure that you are following these rules day in, day out, you will build a solid nutrition foundation. Without that foundation, any nutritional fine-tuning simply won’t make that much of a difference. These rules are as follows:
1. Come back to earth. This simply means choosing the least processed forms of foods (specifically carbohydrates) when building the majority of your meals. Typically, the less processed the foods and the closer the food that you are eating is to its natural state, the better it will be for your body.
2. Eat a rainbow often. The vitamins and minerals that our bodies need come naturally from the foods that we eat, and especially from fruits and vegetables. Eating a variety of fruit and veg in a multitude of colours will help to ensure that you are getting the variety of nutrients that you need, resulting in enhanced recovery, improved energy production and immunity.
The following fruits rank in the ‘top 20 list’ of the American Cancer Society: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, Granny Smith apples, sweet cherries and black plums.
3. The fewer legs the better. Protein is a critical part of the diet for athletes, specifically the type and the amount. When focusing in on the type of protein, typically the fewer legs the animal has before you actually consume the protein it produces, the better the source. Fish, turkey, and chicken rank high. You need to be more selective with dairy, red meat and pork products. Low-fat dairy, lean cuts of pork and beef, and grass-fed four-legged animals are best!
"In order to optimise the benefits of a training session and jump-start recovery for maximal gains, it is critical to consume a post-workout recovery meal that blends both carbohydrate and protein."
4. Eat fats that give something back. It is recommended that 20-30% of the total calories come from fat. The best types of fats to include are raw nuts, seeds, olive oil, nut butters, and fatty fish. The forgotten fats are the essential fatty acids. These fats decrease inflammation but, due to their essential nature, must come from the diet.
5. Three for three. Eating consistently maintains energy levels (blood glucose), keeps the body in a fed state, and prevents mood swings and bingeing. Combining the three main nutrients (carbs, protein, fat) every three hours (hence the ‘three for three’) will prevent extreme hunger, which will make healthier food selection easier.
6. Eat breakfast every day. Eating breakfast every day is critical, yet it’s an absent habit for many. Breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Eating breakfast gives the body the fuel it needs and sets your metabolism up to function correctly throughout the day.
7. Hydrate. Dehydration equals decreased performance. You need to ensure that you’re hydrated before you even start activity! You need to think of hydration in terms of all day and during training. We recommend drinking ½oz to 1oz of fluid per pound of body weight (30-60mls per kilo) per day. Fluids should consist primarily of water and other naturally low- or non-caloric beverages, followed by 100% fruit juices, depending upon calorie requirements.
8. Don’t waste your workout. Even with the abundance of research on the importance of post-workout nutrition, I still see athletes skipping the recovery meal or snack. Unfortunately, many are still reluctant to consume calories after just burning them. However, in order to optimise the benefits of a training session and jump-start recovery for maximal gains, it is critical to consume a post-workout recovery meal that blends both carbohydrate and protein, within 45 minutes after training.
9. Supplement wisely. Supplements should ‘complement’ the diet and a mentality of ‘food first, supplement second’ should be employed.
However, there are a number of situations that warrant a basic supplementation protocol. Those of us who are not eating the fruits and vegetables we need on a regular basis and are restricting calories should consider taking a multi-vitamin. Those who do not get the recommended two to three servings of fatty fish per week should consider supplementing with an essential fatty acid supplement. Those who do not get the calcium they need, especially female athletes, should consider a calcium supplement.
10. Get back in the kitchen. In a world of convenience, travel and life on the go, we often turn to restaurants, fast food, and ‘quick’ food for our nourishment. Restaurants, regardless of type, do not take into consideration your calorie needs or your health when deciding upon their menu. At the end of the day, if you really want to optimise your body composition, hit your nutrient and calorie goals, and just eat cleaner, you are your best ally. The more you can prepare your own food, the more control you will have in the nourishment of your body.
How to determine your body fat percentage
Your body fat percentage makes a difference to your body shape and your health. Measuring changes in body fat percentage, rather than just measuring changes in weight, can be very motivational when you're dieting - especially if you are exercising as part of your Weight Loss regime.
The Nutritional Requirements of an Athlete
As with any athletic performance, the health and nutrition of an athlete is all about decision making and making the right choice. Some choices are better than others but, overall, we want to make consistent good decisions more than bad ones. But just satisfying oneself with a good pre-game meal and making poor/bad choices for the rest of the week, will not have the desired effect on any athletic performance.
Upgrade to Peak Performance Premium
Peak Performance is the leading source of information on sports science, training and research. Upgrade now to be the first to hear of top level scientific discoveries, revolutionary training techniques and performance enhancing workouts..

CES Buda-Pesta, ziua 4-a, dim.

Iata rezultatele participarilor noastre de azi 12 ag./ dim.

Event 22
12 AUG 2010 ­
Men's 100m Freestyle
30th LEN European Swimming Championships
Budapest, Hungary
August 4-15, 2010
Record Name Location Date NOC Code Split
ER 47.12 BERNARD Alain FRA Rome (ITA) 30 JUL 2009 22.22
CR 47.50 BERNARD Alain FRA Eindhoven (NED) 22 MAR 2008 22.53
WR 46.91 CIELO Cesar BRA Rome (ITA) 30 JUL 2009 22.17
LAGUNOV Evgeny RUS 3 48.50 1 23.24 25.26 0.68
8 Q 14 DEC 1985
GRECHIN Andrey RUS 5 48.59 2 0.09 23.30 25.29 0.70
9 Q 21 OCT 1987
BERNARD Alain FRA 4 48.86 3 0.36 23.26 25.60 0.69
9 Q 1 MAY 1983
TRANDAFIR Norbert ROU 1 50.19 25 1.69 23.92 26.27 0.65
6 8 FEB 1988
KERESZTES Matyas HUN 2 51.59 52 3.09 24.76 26.83 0.74
4 1 JAN 1990
Event 24
12 AUG 2010 ­
Men's 800m Freestyle

Results Summary

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits
ER 7:43.84 COLBERTALDO Federico ITA Rome (ITA) 29 JUL 2009
CR 7:51.94 KIS Gergo HUN Eindhoven (NED) 20 MAR 2008
WR 7:32.12 ZHANG Lin CHN Rome (ITA) 29 JUL 2009
KUBUSCH Christian GER 5 7:53.93 1 0.79 3 Q 26 APR 1988
ROUAULT Sebastien FRA 4 7:54.30 2 0.37 0.72 3 Q 24 FEB 1986
KIS Gergo HUN 5 7:55.87 3 1.94 0.81 2 Q 18 JAN 1988
Artimon Alx. ROU 3 8.10.52 locul 21 , la cca 18 sec, de primul sosit

Camelia concentrata pentru finala de la 800m

Event 120 Women's 800m Freestyle


30th LEN European Swimming Championships
Budapest, Hungary
August 4-15, 2010

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits
ER 8:14.10 ADLINGTON Rebecca GBR Beijing (CHN) 16 AUG 2008
CR 8:19.29 MANAUDOU Laure FRA Budapest (HUN) 2 AUG 2006
WR 8:14.10 ADLINGTON Rebecca GBR Beijing (CHN) 16 AUG 2008

FRIIS Lotte DEN 5 8:23.27 1 0.79

ETIENNE Ophelie Cyriell FRA 1 8:24.00 2 0.73 0.76

PELLEGRINI Federica ITA 2 8:24.99 3 1.72 0.72

MURPHY Grainne IRL 4 8:25.04 4 1.77 0.78

POTEC Camelia Alina ROU 7 8:26.81 5 3.54 0.88

VILLAECIJA GARCIA Erika ESP 6 8:27.07 6 3.80 0.76

ADLINGTON Rebecca GBR 3 8:27.48 7 4.21 0.77

SANTAMARIA MARIN Eider ESP 8 8:42.62 8 19.35 0.80

Timing & DataHandling by OMEGA
Cami a inotat cat a putut de tare....; a reusit un timp mai bun cu cca. 5 sec. decat inscrierea in concurs; este probabil, ca dupa aceasta competitie, Camelia Potec sa decida ce va face in viitor
Eu o vad in staful de pregatire a lotului national si in acest fel experienta sa sa fie perfect valorificatata in folosul noii generatii
Oricum Cami, pt ce a-i facut pt inotul romanesc...'jos palaria' si succes in continuare,. inotul mai are nevoie de tine !