[Effortless Swimming]
Why I Swapped Weet Bix For Bacon & Eggs
This email is like a bag of mixed lollies. Pick and choose the ones you like!-
Why I Swapped Weet Bix For Bacon & Eggs - In school and on TV we're told what's healthy and what's not.
Low Fat, low sugar, lowers cholestrol, and on and on it goes. When I took a deeper look at what some of these
claims are really based on - I discovered I had a lot of misconceptions about food. In the latest episode of the
Effortless Swimming podcast I chat to my favourite nutritionist Steph Lowe about eating well. Some of them might
suprise you!
The Easier Way To Sight In Open Water - A subscriber to this newsletter said she was having trouble sighting in
open water. I've recorded a short video for you showing you an easy way to sight without straining your neck or
breaking your stroke rhythm.
Bone Conduction Beats - This video from FINIS shows how their new waterproof MP3 player works. I remember
when I first bought a waterproof musci player 5 years ago. It survived one swim and then leaked and died a sudden
death becuse of the headphone jack. Now you don't even need headphones to listen to music underwater...check
out the video.
Brenton Ford
Effortless Swimming
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