Friday, January 23, 2015

British swim Jan 2015




Today at 2:17 PM 

Your British Gas Swimfit Companion         January 2015

In the true spirit of the 2015 'New Year New You', here at Swimfit we've been working hard behind the scenes to 'tone up and trim down' our very own image: the website.
With a fresh new look and feel, is your online hub for everything Swimfit including news pages with all of the latest updates from us, useful links for you - our Swimfit customer - and much more.
But don't just take our word for it...go on, have a look around!


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Featured Articles

Usually felt after a freestyle kick or a turn, cramp is a short, sharp muscle spasm which makes swimming very difficult to continue.
So we asked British Swimming physiotherapist Carl Butler to explain why you might be cramping and the keys to avoiding foot cramp.
Click here to find out more

Muscle cramps (tendrils)
Cramps leg muscles are a source of discomfort for many people, especially for women at menopause but for some athletes. But there is a cure, strange, inexplicable, but verify. It consists in pinching the upper lip, this technique proved to be effective in 90% of cases, according to Method, discovered by Milton F. Allen, suffering chronic muscle spasms, is simplicity itself. At the first sign of muscle cramps, pinches area between the upper lip and nose, keeping it constant pressure for 30 seconds and even more if necessary. The pain should disappear and muscles to relax a few seconds pinch. Although doctors are unable to explain why the technique is effective, they are forced to accept that it works. And its effectiveness is confirmed by professional athletes and their trainers.

Crampele muschilor (Cârceii)

Crampele muschilor de la picioare reprezinta o sursa de disconfort pentru multe persoane, in special pentru femeile care au intrat la menopauza dar si pentru unii sportivi de performanta. Exista însa un remediu, ciudat, inexplicabil, dar verificat.
El consta in ciupirea buzei superioare, aceasta tehnica dovedindu-se eficienta in 90% dintre cazuri, conform
Metoda, descoperita de Milton F. Allen, suferind cronic de spasme musculare, este simplitatea intruchipata.
La primul semn de crampe musculare, ciupeste zona dintre buza superioara si nas, mentinand aceasta presiune constanta timp de 30 de secunde si chiar mai mult daca este necesar.
Durerea ar trebui sa dispara si muschii sa se relaxeze la cateva secunde de la ciupitura. Desi medicii nu-si pot explica motivul pentru care tehnica are efect, ei sunt nevoiti sa accepte faptul ca functioneaza.
Iar eficacitatea ei e confirmata de atletii profesionisti si de antrenorii lor.

As part of a new partnership with Nuffield Health, Swimfit programmes are now being rolled out at all aquatics Nuffield Health sites across the country.
This is the first partnership with a national health and wellbeing provider and will allow many more swimmers the opportunity to stay healthy by signing up to ASA Swimfit classes.