How do I know - Johny Weissmuler ('75) and Vladimir Salnikov ('83) In 1975, in July, Johnny, did a world tour, has arrived and officials in Istanbul and brought him to the 'best' club swimming IYIK Ortakoy on the European side of Boforului located, the club was working about a year. It was already old already (71 years) and body of those years ... Among the 'comets' My kid was a 10-year swim copy -' Gunes' knew 'when 1.04,90 100m free (!!!) ... . Johny competed with Gunes (translated 'Sun') across the width of the pelvis and has done everything that's out .. second was a gesture of true champion. At the end of 'hostilities' I was given ...: 'Our coach in Romania' Johny but has not outlined any gesture in addition to this statement .... A few days later I told the club about its origin and the world was pleasantly surprised.But then I never knew that Johnny was born in 1904 in future Romania(1918), Timisoara - Freidorf district, after which his family emigrated to the U.S. ... - received U.S. citizenship in 1928 when I had barely conquered five Olympic gold medals.May the joke more seriously .... those medals could be the first five gold medals for Romania, so we currently have 'reported' sporting public that we have the record, eight Olympic gold medals (with the two of Diana Mocanu, 100-200 m back to Sydney in 2000 and Camelia Potec 400m free in 2004 - Athena) ....------------------------------------------------
At the other extreme is the image that has failed 15 times the performance of Johnny Weismuller became the first swimmer who has exceeded the boundaries of psychological Performance under the average of 1500m swim sec/100m 60de. (Johnny was the first in 1922, Alameda, USA 0.58,60)
And then it became an 'obsession' to all coaches, athletes -
'To succeed in my sample, below the average swim-100m ... 60 seconds. "
Only crawl swimming test which ensures that few people thought the average fund was swimming test - m. But in the years 1500 Olympics in Moscow, this has been achieved.These are Russian-Vladimir Salnikova 'Czar' (in photo with his coach Igor Koşkin) who succeeded in 1980 to travel the longest sports swimming test (1500m) with an average of under one minute per mile - Moscow 14.56,40 / 1980.
From the first swimmer who managed to give her a record average speed of less than one minute, the distance of 100m (Johny Weissmuler) can say that in about six decades, to swimming performance have evolved '15 times' ... ..
(Salnikov and Prof. Igor Koşkin, photo from personal collection)
Currently, few world records in swimming are still an average speed over a minute - are evidence of breaststroke, women's swimming tests But the fund 'fight' with continuous seconds and gradually, not in a short time ... it can be said that all the samples, the average speed is less than 60''înaintare/100m.On Salnikova Volodya and his coach Igor Koşkin I met in 1983 at a joint training camp in Tzahkadzor in Armenia at the Olympic training base located at an altitude of 2000m. The encounter was a manifestation of friendship on both sides, next time they offered me the opportunity to consult their training program (discussions without time limits or language), have 'leakage of' effort Zoning percentages that were attributed to swimming (as a funny joke ... reported that they took an idea zoning from canoteuri ... which, in turn, have 'borrowed' from ... canoteuri Romanian, and our coaches did not know and may not know even today to apply zoning effort in training cf periodization, etc ....)
Politrugii of that time were slight invitation by our delegation, this famous couple to come to Romania, namely in Sinaia, Montana Hotel, communists loved so much - a career thatL. Dumitrescu, V. Costandache, S. Todea, etc. Romanian sports) ....Selective Bibliography
Robert Kiphuth 1951 - Basic swimming, Nicholas Kaye, London,Gerhard Lewin 1965 - Schwimmen, Spoerverlag, Leipzig,Don Talbot 1967 - Swimming to win, Hawthorn Books Inc., N-YorkOn Forbes Carlile 1969-Swimming, Lib Sportss Pelham, LondonHarry Gallagher 1970 - On swimming, Pelham Books, London,Forbes Carlile 1971 - On swimming, Pelham Books, London,Cecil Colwin 1971 - On swimming, Pelham Books, Lomdon,J. Allard 1972 - Medical Aspects of Swimming, Pelhm Books, LondonDon Gambril 1972 - Schwimmen, Leistungsport, Bockenem,James Counsilman 1974 - The Science of Swimming, Inc. Prentice Hall.,Don Talbot 1976-How to swim faster, Jack Pollard Publishing, Pytsburg,J. Counsilman 1977 - Competitive Swimming, Bloomington Indiana
Alexander Smith 1978-Schwimmen, BLV Munich,Fahnemann Albrecht 1981 - Die Großen wasserspielle, Swimmsportverlag, John Dragan.1982 Applied Sports Medicine, Sport-Turism Publishing House, Bucharest. E. Maglischo1982 - Swimming Faster, California St. Col,Manfred Scholich 1982 - Kreistraining, Sportverlag,, BerlinAurel Urmuzescu 1982 - Complexity effort swimming, Ed CCDEFS, Buc.Renato 1983 Manno - Theory dell'allenamento - Nuoto,Scuola dello Sport, RomeDenis Pursley 1989 - Climb to the top, Aquazoid Publk.,Helga Pfeifer-Schwimm 1993 - Training im Verein, Sportverlag, Berlin,1995 Dick Hannula - Coaching swimming successfullz, Human Kinetics, Avon1999 Emmett Hines-Fitness swimming, Human Kinetics, Leeds,