Sunday, November 28, 2010

Un roman ne spune care va fi evolutia biotipului-performeu in sportul de performanta

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Un roman, prof. dr. Adrian Bejan, Duke Univ., USA, ne spune care va fi evolutia biotipului-performeu in sportul de performanta

In esenta Teoria constructala generata de dl. Ing. Adrian Bejan, orig. Galati, aplicata la sport – atletism si inot sportiv, ne invita sa tintim tot ce se leaga de viitorii performeri incadrati in categoria ‘mari’,’supli’ si ‘puternici’...
The International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics acts as a channel of communication for researchers from around the world working on a variety of studies involving nature and its significance to modern scientific thought and design.
These studies have demonstrated the rich diversity of the natural world. Ecodynamics in particular aims to relate ecosystems to evolutionary thermodynamics in order to arrive at satisfactory solutions for sustainable development. The International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics also opens new avenues for understanding the relationship between arts and sciences.
This journal aims to provide a channel of communication between all those working in this exciting new discipline whether they are in academia, research institutes or industry.
Traducere din Engleză în Română
International Journal of Design & Natura şi EcoDynamics acţionează ca un canal de comunicare pentru cercetători din întreaga lume de lucru pe o varietate de studii care au implicat natura şi semnificaţia sa pentru a gîndirii ştiinţifice moderne şi design.
Aceste studii au demonstrat bogata diversitate a lumii naturale. EcoDynamics vizează în special să se refere la ecosistemelor termodinamicii evolutivă pentru a ajunge la soluţii satisfăcătoare pentru o dezvoltare durabilă. International Journal of Design & Natura şi EcoDynamics deschide, de asemenea, noi cai pentru înţelegerea relaţiei dintre arte şi ştiinţe.
Acest jurnal îşi propune să ofere un canal de comunicare între toţi cei care lucrează în această nouă disciplină interesante dacă acestea sunt în mediul academic, institutele de cercetare sau industrie.
Papers on the following topics, in accordance with the aims and objectives of the journal are welcome:
  • Assessment and management of Biodiversity
  • Epistemology
  • Energy conservation and generation
  • Solutions from nature
  • Sustainability studies
  • Social and political sciences
  • Architecture and the built environment
  • Economics
  • Arts and aesthetics
  • Philosophy and related sciences
  • Constructal theory
  • Design in nature
  • Nature and architectural design
  • Thermodynamics in nature
  • Evolutionary thermodynamics
  • Eco-informatics
  • Natural materials in engineering
  • Mechanics in nature
  • Dynamic modelling and ecosystems
  • Indicators
  • Biosciences
  • Natural resources management
  • Environmental assessment and risk
Editorial Board
The late Professor Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry

EDITORS (with special responsibility for Design & Nature)
S.C. Burgess - University of Bristol, UK
J.A. Bryant - University of Exeter, UK
M. Atherton - Brunel University, UK
A. Bejan - Duke University, USA

D. Pasini - McGill University, Canada

EDITORS (with special responsibility for Ecodynamics)
E. Tiezzi - University of Siena, Italy
S.E. Jorgensen - University of Pharmaceutical Science, Denmark
T. Chon - Pusan National University, Korea
B. Patten - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
R. Ulanowicz - University of Maryland, USA

C.A. Brebbia - Wessex Institute of Technology, UK

Editorial Board
A. Abbott, Clemson University, USA
M. Anand, Laurentian University, Ontario, CANADA
I. Antoniou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
G. Asrar, NASA, Washington, USA
M. Baez, Carleton University, Canada
J. Baish, Bucknell University, USA
G.S. Barozzi, Universita Degli Sudi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia, ITALY
F. Batzias, University of Pireaus, GREECE
D. Bogunovich, UNITEC Institute of Technology, NEW ZEALAND
F. Botrè, University of Rome, ITALY
E.A. Brabec, University of Michigan, USA
A. Carpi, University of Pisa, Italy
J.L.R. Chandler, Krasnow Uni of Advanced Study, USA
M.W. Collins, Brunel University, UK
J. Connor, MIT, USA
J-L Deneubourg, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BELGIUM
A. Ebel, University of Koln, GERMANY
A. Farina, University of Urbino, ITALY
B.D. Fath, Towson University, USA
J. Fernandez, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, USA
D. Gattie, University of Georgia, USA
D. Ghista, Parkway Academy, SINGAPORE
F. Gomez, Polytechnic University of Valencia, SPAIN
S. Gorb, MPI of Metals Research, GERMANY
W. Grassi, University of Pisa, ITALY
M. Hartnett, University of Ireland, IRELAND
H. Hendrickx, Free University of Brussels, BELGUIM
C. Jenkins, Montana State University, USA
H. Kawashima, Tokyo University, JAPAN
B.A. Kazimee, Washington State University, USA
D. Kirkland, David Kirkland and Associates, UK
T. Kitahara, Chiba University, JAPAN
G. Kukla, Columbia University, USA
R. Lefever, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BELGIUM
D. Lewis, Mississippi State University, USA
R. Liebe, SIEMENS Power Generation, GERMANY
G. Lorenzini, University of Bologna, ITALY
V. Lysenko, Belarussian Nat Technical University, BELARUS
R. Magin, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
N. Marchettini, University of Siena, ITALY
J.C. Marques, University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
F.A. Martins, University of Algarve, PORTUGAL
M.A. Martins-Loucao, University of Lisboa, PORTUGAL
A. McIntosh, University of Leeds, UK
J. Mikielewicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND
J. Pauk, Bialystok Technical University, POLAND
M. Platzer, USA
G. Prance, UK
M. Pulselli, University of Siena, ITALY
A. Rey, McGill University, Canada
M. Rustici, University of Sassari, ITALY
M. Ruth, University of Maryland, USA
T. Speck, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, GERMANY
L. Serra, University of Zaragoza, SPAIN
J. Stasiek, Gdansk University of Technology, POLAND
F. Stevenson, Oxford Brookes University, UK
W. Timmermans, Alterra, NETHERLANDS
J.F. Vincent, University of Bath, UK
S. Xu, Fudan University, CHINA
K. Yoshizato, Hiroshima University, JAPAN
Design course on the universal principle of configurations in nature and engineering-the constructal law
Design with Constructal Theory offers a revolutionary new approach based on physics for understanding and predicting the designs that arise in nature and engineering, from the tree and the forest to the cooling of electronics, urban design, decontamination, and vascular smart materials. This book shows how you can use the method of constructal theory to design human-made systems in order to reduce trial and error and increase the system performance.
First developed in the late 1990s, initiated by ing Adrian Bejan / Duke University, originally from Galati, Romania, constructal theory holds that flow architecture arises from the natural evolutionary tendency to generate greater flow access in time and in flow configurations that are free to morph. It unites flow systems with solid mechanical structures, which are viewed as systems for the flow of stresses. Constructal theory unites nature with engineering, and helps us generate novel designs across the board, from high-density packages to vascular materials with new functionalities (self-healing, self-cooling), and from tree-shaped heat exchangers to svelte fluid-flow and solid structures.
Design with Constructal Theory starts with basic principles and then shows how these principles are applied to understanding and designing increasingly complex systems. Problems and exercises at the end of each chapter give you an opportunity to use constructal theory to solve actual design problems.
This book is based on a design course developed by the two authors for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students at Duke University and other universities all over the world. With the authors' expert guidance, students and professionals in mechanical, civil, environmental, chemical, aerospace, and biomedical engineering will understand natural systems, and then practice design as science, by relying on constructal strategies to pursue and discover novel and effective designs.
Traducere din Engleză în Română
Curs de proiectare pe principiul universal de configuraţii în inginerie natura şi-legea constructala

“Designul  Teoriei Constructale’ ofera o abordare revolutionara noua a evolutiei tuturor speciilor, bazata pe Fizica pentru intelegerea si estimarea modelelor care apar in natura [forme vii, fenomene naturale, evolutii sociale, anticipatia etc.]. Aceasta carte arata cum putem utiliza metoda TC/ Teoriei Constructale in proiectarea sistemelor create de om pentru a preveni erorile si a spori performanta evolutiei.

Dezvoltat pentru prima data la sfarsitul anilor 1990, datorita ing. roman Adrian Bejan / Duke Univ., originar din Galati, TC sustine ca fluxul de arhitectura a evolutiei are o constructie inginereasca, in care apar forte pozitive/ negative, din a caror intrepartrundere naturala apare sensul evolutiei speciei respective sau a sistemului natural in cauza etc.

Teoria constructala uneşte cu natura inginerie, şi ne ajută să genereze modele noi peste bord, de la pachetele de înaltă densitate a materialelor vasculare cu noi funcţionalităţi (auto-vindecare, de auto-răcire), şi de la schimbătoare de copac în formă de căldură pentru svelte fluid-flux şi structuri solide.

’Design cu Teoria Constructala’ începe cu principiile de bază şi apoi arată modul în care aceste principii sunt aplicate pentru înţelegerea şi proiectarea sistemelor ce în ce mai complexe. Probleme şi exerciţii de la sfârşitul fiecărui capitol vă oferă o oportunitate de a folosi teoria constructala, pentru a rezolva problemele actuale de proiectare.

Această carte se bazează pe un curs de design dezvoltat de cei doi autori pentru studenţi de nivel superior şi doctoranzi de la Universitatea Duke şi alte universităţi din întreaga lume. Cu asistenţă de specialitate autorilor, studenţi şi profesionişti în mecanică, civilă, mediu chimic, industria aerospaţială, si inginerie biomedicala vor înţelege sistemelor naturale, şi apoi design practica ca ştiinţă, bazându-se pe strategiile de constructala, de a urmări şi de a descoperi modele noi şi eficiente.

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