Learning to swim at the "dumb" ....
Here's how they solve this big problem - click: here
Uite cum rezolva ‘ele’ aceasta ‘mare problema’ – click: aici
[this text was translate by Google traslate...:]
Eloquently ......
The animals forcing his chicks to swim
people should not make this way ...
Our existence is probably conditioned by two major requirements:
- Adaptability .....
- Communication ......
balance between these two are to have only animals (adapted without communication, just instinct) or ordinary people (communication to a better adjustment, automatic reflexes practice to perfection)
>> for turkish language with Maria translate:
<<Çok anlamlı
Hayvanlar yavrularını zorluyorlar
İnsanlar böyle yapmamalı
varlığımız iki büyük şarta bağlıdır:
- uyumluluk
- iletişim
Bu ikisinin arasındaki denge sonucu ya hayvanlar (iletişimsiz uyum) ya da normal insanlar (daha iyi bir uyum için iletişim, mükkemmele giden otomatik refleksler) olur.>>
Now recall the name of a 'learning-dependent swimming coach'.... Ionitza and do not know how, who, through tenacity and passionate observer some good ideas, some students managed to build (one is the current referee swim-pool - Alex. Bogza present all time, in the swim-pool Lia Manoliu ..., Sandu reached at least in my team, can not remember the reasons why his departure from Ionita!).
But Ionita, and was still doing swimming lessons and learning with young children(2-3 old)! And know that get results, his group was always quite high. Intrigued by this success I've watched: the child enters the water, just by one / ... the rest were waiting on the sidelines, and was ...., what he did - exactly what the otter in the video above.
When the 'victim' suffocated by the lack of air, still arrives at the surface, he uttered Ionita ear: "Now you listen to me?"
It is clear that the student listens and then but I think this experience will not forget, even swimming can become something, even if he knew how to swim and not drown .... no longer enjoy it!
This method of the ‘animals’ should be excluded from the practice swimming learning, not exclude that in very rare cases where enough irrational fear, such a maneuver (once!) to have effect ... but practice, the method is strictly prohibited and who does it, happens to what happened to Mr Ionita: "I kicked out of the pool!" I regret today that I had to do that but still not forget the screams of children ....
From: Mihaela Dobosan <.....yahoo.com>
To: Mircea Olaru
Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 7:11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Swimming Lessons!
<< Mircea, I remember when I wanted to make my Cristina (7 years) to jump into the water and I was impossible, and I wanted to beat she ....; and you got it, telling him exactly the same words, the you jumped! Then I wanted to knock a second time! (hihuhoa)You told me that parents can not really to teach themselves, their own children to swim. I wanted to be otter!>>
animalele isi forteaza odraselele
oamenii nu ar trebui s-o faca
existenta noastra, probabil, este conditionata de 2 mari cerinte:
- adaptabilitatea .....
- comunicarea ......
balanta intre aceste 2 fac sa avem numai animale (adaptare fara comunicare, doar instincte) sau oameni obisnuiti (comunicare spre o mai buna adaptare, reflexe automatizate exersare pana la perfectiune)
Evoc acum numele unui ‘antrenor dependent de invatarea inotului’.... Ionitza si nu mai stiu cum; acesta, prin tenacitate si niste idei bune de observator patimas, a reusit sa formeze cativa elevi (unul este actualul arbitru de inot – Alex. Bogza, prezent , mereu, la bazinul Lia Manoliu s.a.; Sandu a ajuns pana la urma in echipa mea, nu mai tin minte care au fost motivele plecarii lui de la Ionita !).
Dar Ionita, mai facea si lectii de invatare a inotului, cu copii de varsta mica ! Si sa stiti ca avea rezultate, grupa lui era mereu destul de mare. Intrigat de acest succes l-am urmarit: intra in apa cu copilul, doar cu cate unul / restul asteptau pe margine...; si facea ...., ce facea – exact ce facea vidra din clipul anterior.
Cand ‘victima’ sufocata de lipsa aerului, ajungea , totusi, la suprafata, Ionita ii rostea la ureche:”acum ai sa ma asculti ?”
Este clar ca elevul il asculta apoi dar cred ca experienta asta n-o uita niciodata, chiar si inotul putea deveni ceva, chair daca stia sa inoate si nu se ineca.... placere nu-i mai facea !
Metoda asta a 'necuvantatoarelor' trebuie exclusa din practica invatarii inotuli; nu exclud, ca in cazuri foarte arre, in care frica a ajuns irationala, o asemenea manevra (odata !) sa aibe efect dar a practica, ca metoda, este strict interzis si cine o face, pateste ce-a patit Ionita: l-am dat afara din bazin ! Regret si azi ca a trebuit sa fac asta dar nici acum nu uit tipetele copiilor....
From: Mihaela Dobosan < .....@yahoo.com>
To: Mircea Olaru
Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 7:11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Lectii de inot!
<< imi aduc aminte cand voiam sa o fac pe Cristina mea, la 8 anisori, sa sara in apa si imi era imposibil, de am vrut s-o si bat si mi-ai luat-o tu si, spunandu-i EXACT ACELEASI CUVINTE, iar la tine a sarit !!!
Atunci am vrut s-o bat a doua oara .....HIHUHOHA
Mi-ai spus ca parintii nu prea pot sa-si invete, singuri, copiii sa inoate.
’Am vrut sa fiu vidra !’ >>
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