Thursday, April 21, 2011

Din Japonia - iata ce-a scos apa marii dezlantuite ......

in lucrarea 'Tainele Terrei' dl. N. Apostol, scria, prin anii 1980, la editura Sport-Turism, vorbind ds. ciudateniile acestei planete - in Oceanul pacific, indigenii relateau ds. existenta unei fiinte umanoide care traieste numai in apa; ea putea sta scufundata durate lungi [ca balenele] si ar avea unele adaptari ale pielii, parului, la acest stat permanent in apa - numele acestei fiinte, numele dat de bastinasi era 'RA'
Unii dintre ei spuneau ca au si prins in plasele lor asemenea fiinte si ca le-au mancat cu pofta....
Povestea a capatat veridicitate, din pacate, dupa un asa teribil dezastru, care nu a mai tinut cont de nimic...


Traducere din Română în Engleză

.. in the work 'Earth Mysteries' Mr. N. Apostle, romanian writter, he wrote the 1980s, published by Sport-Tourism, speaking ds. peculiarities of this planet - in the Pacific, indigenous people were covering ds. existence of humanoid beings who live only in water, it could stay submerged longer periods [the whales] and should have some adaptations of the skin, hair, water in this state permanently - this being the name, the name given by the natives was 'RA'

Some of them said they were caught in their nets and well-being and that he ate with appetite ....
The story gained accuracy, unfortunately, after such a terrible disaster, which has not taken account of anything ...

Imaginile le-am prinit de la colega ns. prof. Mihaela Dobosan....

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