Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CES Buda-Pesta, analize, info. 02

Am incercat sa gasesc o lista, simpla, cu recordurile realizate la aceste campionate...; atat cat ma mai pricep... nu am gasit-o !
Sa fie din cauza ca nu s-au facut recorduri..? Mirama-s... ; in schimb am gasit o foarte sugestiva statistica, elocventa ! Speram ca 'scoala germana', care s-a afirmat din CM Roma 2009, sa fie iarasi lansata... nu este asa...; oare dece...?

Interviu cu dl. Cornel Marculescu - vedeti aici.
Pentru noi romanii, prezenta d.lui C. M. in bordul FINA este o mare bucurie si supriza; este cert ca D-sa nu poate sa faca niste 'scamatorii' si inotatorii nostrii sa devina, magic, campioni mondiali, in serie...; dar, este cert de intuit ca - daca oamenii nostri care conduc inotul ar avea nevoie de un ajutor (unul legal si pt. toata lumea=clinici de formare antrenori, schimburi de experienta, etc.) Cornel nu s-ar da in laturi in a ne ajuta. Problema e ca : 'no body answer him' si deci 'dragoste cu forta' nu se poa'....., asta-i parerea mea...!
"think about', dears colleagues...

The World Champion vs. the best European

This material presents the difference between the World Champion and the best European swimmer in the category concerned. As in the case of world records (see page 8-9), here the difference is greater – bigger than 2% – in events where Michael Phelps won.
Here are six events from both genders where the difference is the greatest.

100m fly
Difference: 1.46 2.79%
1. PHELPS Michael USA 50.77
5. SERDINOV Andriy UKR 52.23
200m fly
Difference: 3.13 2.71%
1. PHELPS Michael USA 1:52.09
3. SKVORTSOV Nikolay RUS 1:55.22
200m free
Difference: 2.42 2.27%
1. PHELPS Michael USA 1:43.86
2. V. D HOOGENBAND NED 1:46.28
4x200m free
Difference: 8.04 1.86%
1. United States 7:03.24
4. Great Britain 7:11.28
200m IM
Difference: 1.94 1.65%
1. PHELPS Michael USA 1:54.98
3. CSEH Laszlo ITA 1:56.92
50m fly
Difference: 0.38 1.61%
1. SCHOEMAN Roland RSA 23.18
3. ANDKJAER J. Sch. DEN 23.56


200m IM
Difference: 3.92 2.92%
1. HOFF Kathryn USA 2:10.13
200m breast
Difference: 4.10 2.80%
1. JONES Leisel AUS 2:21.84
2. BALFOUR Kirsty GBR 2:25.94
4x100m medley
Difference: 6.44 2.65%
1. Australia 3:55.74
2. Great Britain 4:02.18
400m IM
Difference: 7.25 2.58%
1. HOFF Katie USA 4:32.89
2. MARTYNOVA Yana RUS 4:40.14
100m breast
Difference: 1.55 2.30%
1. JONES Leisel AUS 1:05.72
3. KHLISTUNOVA Anna UKR 1:07.27
50m breast
Difference: 0.72 2.29%
1. HARDY Jessica USA 30.63
5. SCHAFER Janne GER 31.35

Melbourne marked a seachange in swimming, one that heralded a movement described by some head coaches as the new fifth stroke.

mai multe amanunte - click aici

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