Monday, September 30, 2013

Tha Challenge ....

[Effortless Swimming] Trying Harder But Not Going Faster

While training with a friend last week he mentioned when he tried harder, he wasn't going any faster...

Sound familiar?

I know the feeling of putting in more effort without any significant change in can be frustrating. Your heart rate goes up, your arms get heavy but you look up at the clock and your times are the same!

Get the piano off your back and swim faster

I believe it comes down to two things which can be overcome if you know what to look for (and how to adjust your stroke to compensate).

In this week's video we look the small change to your freestyle which can increase your speed when you try harder.

Watch this week's video

--- New Podcast: The One About Getting Lean (with Andy Anderson of Ultimate You) ---

A bit opportunity for improvement I see for swimmers is to trim down and become leaner. Even a difference of 2-3 kgs is quite significant. On the lastest podcast I chatted with strength training expert Andy Anderson about becoming a stonger, leaner athlete.

It's not just about 'losing weight' either. It's about a healthy lifestyle that includes diet, exercise and phsychology. There are a tonne of good tips in this podcast for improving your swimming through strength training.

Listen to the latest podcast here

--- Swimming Adventure Holidays ---

Next year we're launching a series of swimming adventure holidays here in Australia and overseas.

If you can spare 2 minutes I'd love your input on what you would like to see in these trips.

Tell me what you'd like see!

Have a great week,

Brenton Ford
Effortless Swimming

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"Antrenorul virtual" ....

Mircea Olaru I/m litle sceptic...:
when electronic technology, which is already built into the system and when surgery + after developing products Polar F14 (FI), Swimnovate (UK) or finished (USA) ... the information will be used to build uni data collection system that allows biological biometric, functional during the contest and when they will be displayed on a giant screen, the right of each participant - then evolution of a swimmer will be true 'scientific', after the event, each athlete will receive a file with all the data during the contest ... Not to say that I am referring to the integrated system would be perfectly appropriate and time, especially the training, daily ...

That will be a correlation between health and the biofunctional an athlete and can be a simple colleague who work wirh diigtal teleprinter called too early today, 'virtual trainer' and so on [see timid attempt to correlate objective programming effort {SWIMMING - Serious about your sport / N.Newell & comp., 2010] and Monthly chart workout designed by me after approx 30 ani/1980 – see:
cand tehnologia electronica, care este deja realizata in sistemul chirurgical  si cand, dupa aparitia produselor Polar F14 (FI), Swimnovate(UK) sau Finis(USA)..., informatiile  vor conduce la construirea uni sistem ce permite recoltarea de date biologice, biometrice, functionale in timpul concursului si cand acestea vor fi afisate pe un monitor gigant, in dreptul fiecarui participant - atunci evolutia unui inotator va fi adevarat 'stiintifica'; dupa terminarea probei, fiecare sportiv va putea primi un dosar cu toate datele in timpul concursului... nu mai spun ca sistemul integrat la care ma refer ar fi perfect necesar si in timpul, mai ales, a antrenamentelor, de zi cu zi...
Asa se va realiza o corelare intre Starea de sanatate si cea Biofunctionala a unui sportiv iar antrenroul poate fi si un simplu coleg care butoneaza teleimprimatorul diigtal, numit prea devreme, azi,  'virtual trainer' etc.[vezi timida incercare de a corela programarea obiectiva a efortului {SWIMMING – Serious about your sport / N.Newell&comp., 2010]si Graficul lunar de antrenament conceput de mine in urma cu cca 30 de ani/1980 –


Frederic Duclos I'm agree with what you said Mircea : "Books written by specialists are a valuable synthesis of their experience, but their experience is unique, it is just them and can not be copied by anyone. ". That's seems to say that swimming (and all sports) doesn't train in unique way.