Thursday, September 27, 2012


.... salutari celor din Tg.Mures care fac sa existe si la noi - 
polo feminin, bravo !

in foto: echipa de polo TD 1953, de la coada: Aurel Zahan, M.Olaru, Malin Florea, Aurel Ionescu, Mircea Stefanescu, Nicu Rujinski, Ion Panaitescu

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

O necesitate -Pregatire la altitudine medie [2000m]

.....iata un subiect foarte interesant, pregatirea la altitudini medii [2000m] reprezinta o 'cheie' abordata in pregatirea sportivilor [ la unii doar...] in legatura cu JO Mexico-City/ 1968. Spre cinstea noastra, Dr. Ioan Dragan (+), a aprofundat tema si a devenit un 'referent tehnic' al stafului FINA in acest domeniu,tratat ca disciplima medico-sportiva...Atunci cei care au stiut ds. acest 'secret' au reusit sa evolueze bine la cei 2200m la care este pozitionat acest oras minunat; unul care a evoluat sub asteptari a fost viitorul 'number one' a lumii la inot - Marck Spitz [ dupa aceasta ratare el s-a pus temeinic pe treaba in vederea intrecerilor de la Munchen in '72, unde a reusit sa castige 7 medalii de aur, record depasit deabea in 2008, la JO Beijing de celebrul Michael Phelps = 8 medalii !]
Dar, rusii-sovietici, care 'statea mereu la panda'... au prins repede secretul si au construit, in Armenia, la Tahkadzor, o baza de pregatire la altitudiena de 2000m unde bazinul era in aer liber, in schimb, sala de pregatire pe uscat era mai mare decat sala Floreasca ....; in '83 am avut un cantonament comun acolo si asa l-am cunoscut si pe Volodea Salnikov - omul care a inotat de 15 ori distanta de 100m in proba de 1500 cu o medie de sub 60" [celebrul Johnny Weissmuller/ tarzanul de mai tarziu - nascut la Timisoara..., reusise in 1922 sa inoate pt prima data 100m sub 60" / 58,6, Almeda, USA].

Fiul lui Johnny, in vizita la Timisoara in 2004
Tot acolo l-am cunoscut pe antrenorul lui Vladimir... Igor Koshkin, un antrenor modest si plin de iubire de oameni, care m-a considerat pretinul lui si, printre altele, mi-a 'vandut' secretul lor: reteta pregatirii la altitudine pentru obtinerea formei sportive maximale in concurs era sitetizata astfel:
4x10 zile desfasurate astfel =
10 zile de antrenament sfasietor la ses/ nivelul marii...,
10 zile de antrenament usor de acomodare la altitudine,
10 zile de antrenament sfasietor la altitudine... si

10 zile coborare la altitudinea unde se desafsura concursul, estimand ca dupa 48 de ore de la coborare apare prima unda de surpacompebsare cu durata de inca 48 ore... sau revenirea undei amintite dupa 7 zile, este adevarat la un nivel ceva mai scazut, dar totusi de forma maxima.

Koshkin a perfectionat pregatirea pe aceste 40 zile = un mezociclu, de mai multe ori pe an, astfel obtinand rezultate si reactii din ce ince mai precise si in atare conditii a reusit sa-l faca pe Volodea sa inoate 14.56,00 / 1500m imediat dupa JO Moskva, 1980.
Dupa destramare URSS mai toti antrenorii renumiti ai lor s-au raspandit in lume, asa se face ca uluitorul Turetzki, l-a 'emigrat' pe starul Alex. Popov in Australia, unde acesta din urma si-a continuat suita de succese, devenind model de perfectiune vs. Matt Biondi.USA

Inchei spech-ul meu pledand pentru ideia de a construi, la noi, in M.tii Parangului..., un asemenea complex pentru toate disciplinele sportului romanesc [ chiar pt altii...]; altitudinea de cca 2000m este propice, natura binevoitoare si noi suntem, in cautare de solutii pentru resusciatrea noastra in lumea sportiva a sec. XXI.


Narcis NEAGU
Asistent Univ. U.P.B. Bucuresti
Aceasta cercetare analizeaza relatia existenta intre antrenamentul la altitudine si performanta sportiva la nivelul marii in antrenarea inotatorilor de elita. Incercam sa definim anumite concepte importante ale temei si sa stabilim un punct de vedere al acesteia.
Opiniile despre eficacitatea antrenamentului la altitudine asupra performantelor la nivelul marii ale sportivilor foarte bine antrenati sunt impartite. Autoritati celebre in domeniul fiziologiei au acceptat ca dovezile relevate pana in prezent sunt insuficiente pentru a sustine un efect benefic categoric asupra acestei teme ( Broojs & Fahey, 1984; McArdle, Katch & Katch,1991; Noble, 1986; Rushall & Pyke, 1990; Sutton, 1994). Wilmore si Costill (1994) au pus sub semnul intrebarii eficienta antrenamentului la altitudine pentru inotatori.
Mai multi antrenori si specialisti in natatie sustin valoarea antrenamentului la altitudine in ciuda lipsei unor argumente evidente. Sustinatorii sunt neclintiti in privinta opiniilor lor. La Sports Science Committe of Australian Swimming Inc. (2001) a fost evaluat efectul procesului de antrenament din tabara de pregatire situata la altitudine asupra performantelor echipei de inotatori ai Australiei la Campionatele Pan Pacifice. Analiza rezultatelor nu a relevat nici un avantaj de performanta la campionatele amintite determinata de pregatirea la altitudine.
Investigatiile stiintifice relateaza doua principale nivele ale reactiilor organismului sportivilor de adaptare la altitudine:
  • mecanisme fiziologice (VO2 max., concentratia de hemoglobina);
  • nivelul performantei (timpul necesar parcurgerii unei anumite distante intr-un anumit procedeu.
Desi modificari fiziologice cu ecou in performanta se manifesta in timpul exercitiilor de stimulare, trebuie evitata inducerea modificarilor fiziologice printr-un stimul neexperimentat. suficient la inot (altitudinea), care sa promoveze modificari de performanta intr-un mediu diferit (nivelul marii), (Wolski, McKenzie & Wenger 1996). Acest ultim concept de transferare a efectelor naste multe puncte de vedere antagonice.
Exista o puternica relatie intre antrenamentul la altitudine si performanta sportiva a aruncatorilor, saritorilor si sprinterilor ( Karvonen, Petola & Saarela 1996 ). Rezistenta diminuata si gravitatia permit practicarea marii performante ce nu ar putea fii posibila la nivelul marii, rezultand castiguri mecanice, care probabil ca depasesc performanta sportivului analizat. Cu toate acestea, mediul inconjurator mecanic al inotului este practic constant. Consideratiile acestei cercetari sunt diferite pentru probele de sprint si cele de semifond si fond. Includerea unor rezultate din cercetarile efectuate asupra probelor de alergare de fond si ciclism ne permit sa compensam intr-o mica masura literatura slab reprezentata referitoare la antrenamentul inotatorilor la altitudine.
Aclimatizarea umana la stresul pasiv serveste ca baza pentru intelegerea reactiilor fiziologice privind expunerea la altitudine.
Un punct de vedere este ca antrenamentul la altitudine nu faciliteaza imbunatatirea performantei sportive la inot, dar trebuie sa analizam si sa departajam ramurile de probe, tipurile de efort si calitatile motrice implicate in procente diferite. Alt punct de vedere sustine ca daca s-a realizat aclimatizarea completa la altitudine, nu va fi posibila antrenarea cu suficient volum si intensitate pentru a mentine un nivel ridicat de performanta la nivelul marii.
Astrand P. O., Shepard R. Endurance in sport, Blackwell Scientific Publication Oxford 1992
Colwin C. Swimming in 21 century, Human Kinetics Publiushers Champaign, Illinois, 1992
Bota C. Fiziologie 2, Ed. Globus, Bucuresti 2000
Cirla L. Inot aptitudinile psihomotrice si pregatirea tehnica, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti 1999.
Jivan I. Inot tratat metodic, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, 1999
Phillips, J Cross ventilation of upper body powerpredictionin age group swimmers, official journal of the american college of sports, 1997
Stray-Gundersen Unethical alterations of oxigen-carrying capacity in endurance athlets, News Physiology 1988.
Rushall B, Buono M, Sucec A, Roberts A. Altitude training, San Diego State University, 2000; Cambera University, 2001
Our research analyzes the proposal that altitude training benefits sea level performances in trained elite swimmers. It expains some important concepts, evaluates research weaknesses in field, and attempts to establish a definitive position on the topic.
The status of opinions about the effectiveness of altitude training on the sea level performances of highlytrained is one of division. Noted authorities in applied exercise physiology currently accept that there is insufficient evidence to support any beneficial effect (Brooks & Fahey, 1984; McArdle, Katck A. 1991; Rushall & Pyke, 1990; Sutton 1994). Well formed studies have not found such an effect.
There is a strong possibility that altitude training can assist throwers, jumpers and sprinters (Karvonen, Petola, 1996). The diminished air resistance and gravitational pull allows performance magnitudes to be practiced that are not possible at the sea level, resulting in mechanical gains which possibly exceed the body´s performance decrements. However, the mechanical environment of swimming is practically constant.
Human acclimatization to passive stresses serves as the basis for understanding spysiological responses to altitude exposure. Published research pertaining to swimming and endurance training is reviewed. It is argued that altitude training does not facilitate improved performances at sea level because of the specificity of the acclimatization response. It is argued that if complete altitude acclimatization was to occur, it would not be possible to train with sufficient volume and intensity to maintain high levels of performance.


Noutati din natatia mondiala.....

A Semi-Monthly Wrap-up of News from Around the World by Sports Publications Intl.
September 26, 2012
NEWS!!!! Taken from Lane9

Denis Cotterell Faces Foreign Swimmer Ban from Swimming Australia; Chinese Official Denies Rumors
HUANGSHAN, China. DENIS Cotterell has been banned from coaching foreign swimmers by Swimming Australia, if claims by Chinese swimmers are to be believed. A Chinese official, however, has denied the claims.
Olympic Medalists Highlight Day Two of Chinese Nationals
HUANGSHAN, China. OLYMPIC medalists Tang Yi and Lu Ying were the stars of day two at the Chinese long course nationals.
Americans Show Sprint Dominance Over Aussies With Overall Victory at Fast Lane Meet
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil. THE American quartet of Adam Mania, Mike Alexandrov, Eugene Godsoe and Josh Schneider defeated a superstar quartet from Australia to win the inaugural Fast Lane meet, featuring 50-meter swims in each of the four strokes and a 200 medley relay.
The International Swimming Hall of Fame May Finally Get a Remodel
FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida. THE International Swimming Hall of Fame may finally get its long-overdue facelift. With added measures to eliminate cost overruns, the new Hall of Fame may be unveiled in January of 2015, as reported by the Orlando Sentinel.
Akihiro Yamaguchi Drops World Record in Japan Video Included
GIFU, Japan. AT the Japanese National Sports Festival, rising star Akihiro Yamaguchi collected his first world record. He downed the global standard in the men's 200-meter breaststroke this morning at the meet.
Olympic Medalist Kosuke Hagino Considered Attending College and Swimming in United States
PHOENIX, Arizona. KOSUKE Hagino, the 18-year-old who won a bronze medal in the 400 individual medley at the London Olympics, strongly considered attending one of two major universities in the United States, but has decided to stay in Japan.
Saturday Night Live: Ryan Lochte Takes on Cameo Role
LAS VEGAS, Nevada. WE can't go a day without finding out about a new project Ryan Lochte is taking on. Up next: a possible cameo on Saturday Night Live, as reported by MTV News.
Modern Pentathlon: 100 Years in the Olympic Games, 1912-2012
PHOENIX, Arizona. MODERN Pentathlon is an Olympic sport with rich traditions in many countries around the world. In 1912, pentathlon was introduced at the Olympic Games. Ever since, pentathlon has been and integral part of the Olympic family. Pentathlon includes five disciplines that test varying athletic skills: fencing, swimming, equestrian, shooting, and running.
USA Water Polo Names Men's Youth National Team
HUNTINGTON BEACH, California. USA Water Polo Men's Youth National Team Head Coach Jason Lynch has announced the roster for the upcoming inaugural FINA Youth World Championships set for December 1-9 in Perth, Australia. The competition in Australia is limited to ages 18 and under and will be preceded by a training camp in Singapore with the Italian National Team from November 21-28. See below for the complete roster that will be competing in Perth.
David Boudia Named USA Diving Athlete of the Year
GREENSBORO, North Carolina, September 17. DAVID Boudia, gold medalist in the 10-meter platform diving at the 2012 London Olympics, won the coveted USA Diver of the Year Award at the United States Aquatic Sports (USAS) Convention recently.
AT&T National Diving Championships: Steele Johnson, Gracia Ledyon-Mahoney Put on Show on Final Day
GREENSBORO, North Carolina. STEELE Johnson (Carmel, Ind.) earned 10s on two of his six dives to cruise to a victory in the men's 10-meter platform final Sunday at the AT&T National Diving Championships.
2012 Global Open Water Swimming Conference
LONG BEACH, California, September 17. ATHLETES, coaches and administrators are arriving in Southern California this week to attend the 2012 Global Open Water Swimming Conference on the Queen Mary on Sept. 21-22 and the Swim Across America event on Sunday, Sept. 23 in Marine Stadium.
NZ Manufacturing Poll of the Week
PHOENIX, Arizona. Swimming World wants to know what you think and offers you the chance to participate in our weekly poll.
The Morning Swim Show Library - View current and past editions of The Morning Swim Show
Reaction Time - Read what others have to say about today's top stories in the world of swimming
USA College News and Results - Find news and results of your favorite school
USA High School News and Results - Find news and results of your favorite school

What you'll find in the September 2012 issue of
Swimming World
Feature Articles:
On the Verge of a Dynasty
The Baylor School girls won their third national high school title in the last four years.

By the Slimmest of Margins
The Bolles School boys won their second national high school team title in the last three years by a half point over New Trier.

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Lucrari de specialitate pt. noi ....

Swimming World Swim Shop Specials

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In this instructional swimming DVD, Olympic legend Josh Davis exudes the passion and dedication that made him a champion. He distills over 20 years of elite swimming, coaching and motivational speaking experience to help developing swimmers learn all four swimming strokes, starts and turns. 

Your Total Access subscription gives you unlimited access to and Swimming World Mobile, a monthly print copy of Swimming World Magazine, plus digital access to all the issues back to 1960.   

Sports Publications International
P.O. Box 20337
Sedona, AZ 86341

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The One Drill I Always Start With

The One Drill I Always Start With


Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:43 AM

Your swimming news update is ready

Highlights this week
00:10 - How to Improve Your Technique
01:22 - Good Technique Starts With Good Position01:28 - Athletes Are Like Light Switches02:04 - A Weekly Schedule Creates Routine 02:37 - Give Yourself More Space In Training03:16 - Spiky Massage Balls Are Useful03:33 - Foam Rollers Can Be Used For Self-Massage
Click here
Brenton Ford
P.S - I reply to all emails personally

12A 76 Haines Street, North Melbourne, North Melbourne, Vic 3051, AUSTRALIA
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