Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Messi, Barsa si conceptul BEST ....

Messi, Barsa si conceptul BEST .... + in Google translate....
Ieri seara tarziu...,[29 Nov.2010] s-a disputat celebra partida de fotbal FC Barcelona <> Real Madrid, partida castigata categoric de cei care au fost mai buni [Barsa] cu... 5 -0 (!!!); Realul a fost parca vrajit si se misca ca hipnotizati de jocul, eu l-as adejctiva –” naprasnic” a celor din Catalunya.....
Toti au jucat bine dar de excelat a fost acest miraculos Messi.
Mesii seamana un pic cu Hagi al nostru; Hagi stia sa ‘tina’ balonul, de te inebunea si apoi facea ce trebuie.... ; Mesii are aceleasi calitati [“egoismul” de a tine balonul ...] + o miraculoasa dexteritate de a se sincroniza cu miscarile adversarului, de parca ar dansa tango cu acesta..., pastrand, pentru el , mingea, in mod neverosimil , deh...
Eu ca antrenor, las la o parte jucatorii, ca indivizi si ma uit la echipa.
Nici nu stiu cum il cheama pe antrenorul Barsei/la fotbal sunt ‘neama’..., numele il voi invata si chiar altii il vor tine mult timp minte..../ gata il stiu - Pep Guardiola; important este ca acesta, a intuit un lucru elementar si simplu, care suna asa: daca joci... ’ joaca’ !
Adica mingea aceea trebuie sa circule permanent cu o unica si singura conditiie – ea sa stea cat mai scurt timp la jucator. Pai asta stim cu totii ..... si de cand incepem sa ne dorim a fi fotbalisti, ‘miutza’ a fost prima schema practica si la locul ei; probabil ca filozofia jocului a evoluat si s-au conceput nemeroase alte scheme iar treptat s-a uitat de ‘miutza’.
Ei bine, Barsa a jucat o ‘miutza’ de 90 de minute care i-a zapacit pe adversarii, mai ales pe inganfatul de Ronaldo, care parea un jalnic debutant cu mascariile lui..., pacat el.
Dar ce are Mesii, Barsa si BEST-ul meu...?
Pai, in termenii cei mai simpli, conceptul BEST, mizeaza pe cerinta de “a realiza miscari eficiente in timp cat mai scurt....”; luat, per uitate de jucator [de ex. Mesii] acesta “paseaza" cu cea mai mare viteza, deci actiunea tine pentru cat mai scurt timp -mingea ...., folosind pentru acest scop cele mai putine miscari – pasa !
Acest mod de a gandi ‘miutza’, parca vrea sa se suprapuna aforismului ‘ grabeste-te incet’[festina lente], aforism care m-a condus, din anii ’80, la formula BEST si apoi la IPA.
Iata ca asa cum, timid, afirmam, la debutul BEST-ului, ca el este aplicabil la orice forma de miscare, mai ales cele sportive, care pretind ‘eficienta’ [tehnica corecta], deci nu numai la inot.... aseara mi-am dat seama ca antrenorul Barsei, cu stiinta/ fara ea... a aplicat cerinta majora a conceptului BEST, care , pare, cu toata modestia ce mi-am propus-o, pare cam... universal valabila.
Este cazul ca si antrenorii de inot sa imite, in gandire, antrenorul de la Barsa [> spre notiunile elementare ale inotului....] si, treptat, vor gasi solutiile, exercitiile, cerintele si regulile de aplicare a conceptului BEST.
“Carpe diem” / Horatiu, in Ode - I., 65-8 aC /

transled by Google ..:

Traducere din Română în Engleză

Messi, Barsa and the BEST concept / by m. olaru, 30 nov. 2010
Yesterday evening [29 Nov.2010] famous football game was played at FC Barcelona <> Real Madrid won the match outright by those who were better [Barsa] with ... Real - 5=0 was like magic and the game moves that hypnotized, I would adejctivate it - "cruel" to those in Catalunya
All have played well but was this miraculous Messi excelled. Messi looks a bit like our Hagi. He knew how to 'hold' the ball, the crazy and then do what you need .... ; Messi same qualities ["selfishness" to keep the ball ...] + a miraculous dexterity to synchronize with the movements of the opponent, as if dancing the Tango with it ..., it keeps for him the ball, in an unlikely, deh ...
I as a coach, I leave a side the players as individuals and watch the team.
I do not know his name Barsa coach / football are 'nating for me'..., this name I will learn even more while others will keep it ready ..../ mind I know - Pep Guardiola, it is important, sensed an elementary and simple, which reads: - if you play ... please do it :'Play'!
That is why we need to move the ball continuously with one and the same conditions - it was the star player as quickly as possible.
Well we all know that ..... and when we begin to want to be footballers, 'miutza' practice and was the first scheme in place, perhaps the game has evolved and philosophy were other schemes designed undeserved and gradually forget the 'miutza'.
Well, Barsa played a 'miutza' takes 90 minutes to confuse the opponents, especially most Ronaldo, who looked like a rookie with the masking of ... pathetic, pity him.But what is the Messi, Barsa and my BEST ...?
Well, in simplest terms, the concept of BEST, relies on the requirement of "effective moves made in the shortest time taken ....";, per player forgotten [ie. Messi] that "pass' with highest speed, how you ball less, for this purpose using the fewest moves - care!
This way of thinking 'miutza', as if he wants to overlap aphorism 'hurry slowly' [Festina lente] aphorism that led me, the 80s, the BEST formula and then IPA.
Here like, shy, say, in the BEST's formul debut, as he applies to every form of motion, especially sports, which claimed 'efficiency' [correct technique], so not only to swim ....

I realized last night that the coach at Barsa, the science / without it ...
requirement applied major BEST concept which, apparently, with all humility that I planned it, seems a bit ... universal.
It is as if to mimic and
thinking, the coach of Barsa by the all swimming coaches, [> swimming to elementary notions and gradually will find solutions, exercise, requirements and rules for applying the concept BEST].
"Carpe diem" / Horace in Ode - I, 65-8 AC /

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Incercare de analiza a cursei de 200 m liber masculin



Eindhoven, The Netherlands

25 - 28 November 2010, Day 4

Traducere din Română în Engleză

EUROPEAN SHORT COURSE Swimming Championships
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
25-28 November 2010 Day 4

Tried 200m race analysis free male / author - Prof. M. Olaru

Izotov D. RUS 4 1:41.84 1 (1) 1:15.31 (1) 49.35 (2) 23.60 0.74 25.75 25.96 26.53
Biedermann GER 6 1:42.94 2 1.10 (2) 1:16.64 (3) 50.06 (4) 24.10 0.76 25.96 26.58 26.30

Here's lap times of the two protagonists;
Izotov: 23.60, 25.75, 25.06, 26.53
+00.50, =00.21, +01.52, -00.23
= differences (+) to the Izotov.
Bieder 24.10, 25.96, 26.58, 26.30

Intermediar time story is:

The first 50 Izotov, goes well with ½ sec.
The second is about 50 Izotov= equal Biedermann (oo.21)
The third 50, Izotov attack and win 01.52 (!) from Biedermann who apparently lost the race here
The 4th 50, Izotov lose 2 tenths from Biedermann / he has the 'power 5th' ....
but the advantage gained by Izotov can not be recovered.

Preliminary Conclusions:

Biedermann is likely to have had an inadequate strategy and, perhaps more precisely, deutsche rigor still has not said the word .. but he are 2 years, almost until the 2012 Olympic ...

Izotov is a swimmer 'prosperous' coming 'last' and may be able to keep the bottom of Biedermann, I credit him only if he manages to swim with long tempo but verry effective, the technique one [that's 'fancy' BEST + IPA expressed in my ...]

We live and we'll see ...!

Are already many participants in Eindhoven in 2010 have shown that ESC can swim fast without struggle and that is shaping a new biotype of recordmen - 'Pencil Biotype' .....

Incercare de analiza a cursei de 200 m liber masculin, autor prof.M.Olaru

IZOTOV Daniil RUS 4 1:41.84 1 (1) 1:15.31 (1) 49.35 (2) 23.60 0.74 25.75 25.96 26.53

BIEDERMANN Paul GER 6 1:42.94 2 1.10 (2) 1:16.64 (3) 50.06 (4) 24.10 0.76 25.96 26.58 26.30

Iata timpii intermediari a celor 2 protagonisti;

IZOTOV: 23.60, 25.75, 25.06, 26.53

+ 00.50, +00.21, +01.52, -00.23 = diferente comparate fata de Izotov.

Biedermann 24.10, 25.96, 26.58, 26.30

Relatarea interdemiarelor este :

La primul 50 Izotov ,merge mai bine cu ½ sec.

La al doilea 50 Izotov este aprox. egal cu Biedermann (oo.21)

La ak treilea 59 Izotov ataca si castiga 01.52(!) fata de Biedermann care se pare ca acesta, aici a pierdut cursa ....

Laal 4-lea 50 Izotov pierde 2 zecimi fata de Biedermann / acesta a sprintat la puterea 5-a ...., dar avantajul castigat de Izotov nu mai poate fi recuperat.

Concluzii preliminarii:

Este posibil ca Biedermann sa fi avut o strategie neadecvata si, poate mai exact, rigoare nemteasca inca nu si-a spus cuvantul.. mai sunt 2 ani, aproape, pana la JO 2012 ...

Izotov este un inotator 'proaspat’, vine 'din urma’ si poate sa fie capabil sa mentina ascendent asupra lui Biedermann; eu il creditez doar daca reuseste sa inoate cu miscari/tempo lung dar f.f. eficient, ca tehnica [asta este ’marota’ mea exprimata in BEST+IPA...]

Vom trai si vom vedea...; deja mai multi participanti la CES Eindhoven 2010 au aratat ca se poate inota repede fara zbucium si ca se profileaza un nou biotip de recordmen – ’creionul’



Eindhoven, The Netherlands

25 - 28 November 2010 Day 4

[Brief final comment in Romanian ... but to translate it, or whatever ....]

[scurt comentariu final in romaneste... dar sa-l traduc, fie ce-o fi....]

Event 129 28 NOV 2010 ­ 16:43

Men's 100m Individual Medley 100m 4Nages Hommes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Split

WR 50.76 MANKOC Peter SLO Istanbul (TUR) 12 DEC 2009 22.66

ER 50.76 MANKOC Peter SLO Istanbul (TUR) 12 DEC 2009 22.66

CR 50.76 MANKOC Peter SLO Istanbul (TUR) 12 DEC 2009 22.66

DEIBLER Markus GER 4 52.13 1 (3) 24.06 0.79


MANKOC Peter SLO 5 52.87 2 0.74 (1) 23.52 0.65


CABELLO FORNS Alan ESP 6 53.24 3 1.11 (7) 24.43 0.65


DRAGANJA Duje CRO 7 53.56 4 1.43 (2) 23.96 0.70


JANUSAITIS Vytautas LTU 3 53.63 5 1.50 (4) 24.16 0.74


ZHILIN Dmitry RUS 1 53.96 6 1.83 (4) 24.16 0.73


FUCIK Tomas CZE 8 53.99 7 1.86 (6) 24.42 0.66




Event 137 28 NOV 2010 ­ 16:13

Women's 400m Individual Medley 400m 4Nages Femmes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits

WR 4:21.04 SMIT Julia USA Manchester (GBR) 18 DEC 2009 28.39 1:00.60 1:33.93 2:06.01

2:42.66 3:19.42 3:50.58

ER 4:24.51 MILEY Hannah GBR Manchester (GBR) 18 DEC 2009 28.81 1:01.32 1:35.64 2:09.01

2:45.75 3:23.20 3:54.95

CR 4:25.06 BELMONTE GARCIA Mireia ESP Rijeka (CRO) 14 DEC 2008 29.60 1:02.28 1:36.63 2:10.12

2:46.86 3:24.51 3:55.13

JAKABOS Zsuzsanna HUN 5 4:29.78 1 0.77

50m .2. 28.87


100m .2. 1:01.78


150m .1. 1:35.95


200m .1. 2:09.28


250m .1. 2:48.95


300m .3. 3:28.93


350m .1. 3:59.79


KLINAR Anja SLO 6 4:30.83 2 1.05 0.84

GRANGEON Lara FRA 4 4:30.93 3 1.15 0.68

MRTYNOVA Yana RUS 1 4:31.87 4 2.09 0.85

SEGAT Francesca ITA 2 4:33.66 5 3.88 0.76

ZAVADOVA Barbora CZE 3 4:33.71 6 3.93 0.97

MURPHY Grainne IRL 7 4:37.47 7 7.69 0.81

POLIERI Alessia ITA 8 4:40.08 8 10.30 0.67


Event 138 28 NOV 2010 ­ 16:21

Men's 200m Breaststroke 200m Brasse Hommes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits

WR 2:00.67 GYURTA Daniel HUN Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 27.74 58.46 1:29.33

ER 2:00.67 GYURTA Daniel HUN Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 27.74 58.46 1:29.33

CR 2:00.67 GYURTA Daniel HUN Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 27.74 58.46 1:29.33

KOCH Marco GER 5 2:04.86 1 (1) 1:32.25 (1) 1:00.33 (2) 28.93 0.72

31.40 31.92 32.61

ALVAREZ CARABALLO Mel. ESP 4 2:05.41 2 0.55 (3) 1:33.52 (3) 1:01.38 (5) 29.26 0.67

32.12 32.14 31.89

LOBANOV Anton RUS 7 2:06.71 3 1.85 (2) 1:33.43 (2) 1:00.40 (1) 28.51 0.81

31.89 33.03 33.28

CARNOL Laurent LUX 6 2:07.12 4 2.26 (4) 1:33.97 (5) 1:01.61 (4) 29.20 0.78

32.41 32.36 33.15

MATE Hunor AUT 1 2:07.66 5 2.80 (5) 1:34.31 (6) 1:01.78 (7) 29.43 0.73

32.35 32.53 33.35

GIORGETTI Edoardo ITA 3 2:07.66 5 2.80 (6) 1:34.37 (7) 1:01.81 (6) 29.39 0.65

32.42 32.56 33.29

DAUTARTAS Edvinas LTU 8 2:09.04 7 4.18 (7) 1:34.89 (4) 1:01.46 (3) 29.06 0.85

32.40 33.43 34.15


Event 139 28 NOV 2010 ­ 16:27

Women's 200m Freestyle 200m Nage Libre Femmes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits

WR 1:51.17 PELLEGRINI Federica ITA Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 26.58 54.84 1:23.09

ER 1:51.17 PELLEGRINI Federica ITA Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 26.58 54.84 1:23.09

CR 1:51.17 PELLEGRINI Federica ITA Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 26.58 54.84 1:23.09

HEEMSKERK Femke NED 4 1:52.62 1 (1) 1:23.65 (1) 54.94 (2) 26.52 0.77

28.42 28.71 28.97

LIPPOK Silke GER 5 1:53.96 2 1.34 (2) 1:24.65 (3) 55.86 (3) 27.00 0.73

28.86 28.79 29.31

VERRASZTO Evelyn HUN 3 1:54.39 3 1.77 (3) 1:25.31 (4) 55.89 (6) 27.14 0.80

28.75 29.42 29.08

MUTINA Agnes HUN 6 1:54.74 4 2.12 (4) 1:25.60 (5) 56.19 (4) 27.07 0.68

29.12 29.41 29.14

SCHREIBER Daniela GER 7 1:56.46 5 3.84 (5) 1:26.17 (2) 55.74 (1) 26.51 0.76

29.23 30.43 30.29

TERINK Rieneke NED 2 1:56.68 6 4.06 (6) 1:26.64 (6) 56.58 (5) 27.11 0.81

29.47 30.06 30.04

COSTA SCHMID Melanie ESP 1 1:56.83 7 4.21 (7) 1:26.81 (7) 56.80 (8) 27.39 0.76

29.41 30.01 30.02

JOHANNESSEN Cecilie NOR 8 1:57.76 8 5.14 (8) 1:27.15 (8) 56.82 (7) 27.18 0.77

29.64 30.33 30.61


Event 130 28 NOV 2010 ­ 16:53

Women's 100m Butterfly 100m Papillon Femmes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Split

WR 55.05 BUI DUYET Diane FRA Istanbul (TUR) 12 DEC 2009 25.49

ER 55.05 BUI DUYET Diane FRA Istanbul (TUR) 12 DEC 2009 25.49

CR 55.05 BUI DUYET Diane FRA Istanbul (TUR) 12 DEC 2009 25.49

DEKKER Inge NED 4 56.51 1 (1) 26.60 0.70


SNILDAL Ingvild NOR 5 57.46 2 0.95 (2) 26.82 0.81


GIACCHETTI Caterina ITA 3 58.17 3 1.66 (8) 27.49 0.71


JAKABOS Zsuzsanna HUN 7 58.36 4 1.85 (6) 27.22 0.74


POLIERI Alessia ITA 1 58.46 5 1.95 (7) 27.40 0.66


ALJAND Triin EST 6 58.77 6 2.26 (4) 27.09 0.72


DARA Eszter HUN 2 58.85 7 2.34 (5) 27.20 0.77


BUYS Kimberly BEL 8 59.05 8 2.54 (3) 27.08 0.77



Event 140 28 NOV 2010 ­ 17:03

Men's 200m Freestyle 200m Nage Libre Hommes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits

WR 1:39.37 BIEDERMANN Paul GER Berlin (GER) 15 NOV 2009 23.79 49.29 1:14.72

ER 1:39.37 BIEDERMANN Paul GER Berlin (GER) 15 NOV 2009 23.79 49.29 1:14.72

CR 1:39.81 BIEDERMANN Paul GER Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 23.94 49.48 1:14.74

IZOTOV Daniil RUS 4 1:41.84 1 (1) 1:15.31 (1) 49.35 (2) 23.60 0.74 25.75 25.96 26.53

BIEDERMANN Paul GER 6 1:42.94 2 1.10 (2) 1:16.64 (3) 50.06 (4) 24.10 0.76 25.96 26.58 26.30

LAGUNOV Evgeny RUS 5 1:44.11 3 2.27 (3) 1:17.20 (2) 49.78 (1) 23.36 0.71 26.42 27.42 26.91

MAGNINI Filippo ITA 2 1:44.22 4 2.38 (4) 1:17.61 (5) 50.89 (5) 24.13 0.61 26.76 26.72 26.61

STARKE Benjamin GER 3 1:44.97 5 3.13 (7) 1:18.40 (7) 51.19 (3) 24.06 0.73 27.13 27.21 26.57

DE DIE Stefan NED 7 1:45.33 6 3.49 (5) 1:18.31 (6) 51.05 (7) 24.40 0.73 26.65 27.26 27.02

REIJNS Joost NED 1 1:45.34 7 3.50 (6) 1:18.32 (4) 50.83 (6) 24.28 0.74 26.55 27.49 27.02

SURGELOOSE Glenn BEL 8 1:46.13 8 4.29 (8) 1:18.83 (8) 51.31 (8) 24.57 0.69 26.74 27.52 27.30


Event 128 28 NOV 2010 ­ 17:09

Women's 100m Breaststroke 100m Brasse Femmes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Split

WR 1:02.70 SONI Rebecca USA Manchester (GBR) 19 DEC 2009 30.08

ER 1:04.21 PEDERSEN Rikke Moeller DEN Saint Petersburg (RUS) 19 DEC 2009 30.23

CR 1:04.84 RUHNAU Caroline GER Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 30.50

NIJHUIS Moniek NED 5 1:06.20 1 (1) 30.94 0.80


DE RONCHI Sophie FRA 3 1:06.21 2 0.01 (3) 31.28 0.78


BROUWER Tessa NED 4 1:06.65 3 0.45 (2) 31.26 0.77


RUHNAU Caroline GER 6 1:06.93 4 0.73 (5) 31.38 0.70


ARTEMYEVA Valentina RUS 2 1:06.95 5 0.75 (4) 31.37 0.68


BOGGIATTO Chiara ITA 1 1:08.12 6 1.92 (7) 31.98 0.74


BAKLAKOVA Ekaterina RUS 7 1:08.25 7 2.05 (6) 31.75 0.77


CHOCOVA Petra CZE 8 1:08.38 8 2.18 (8) 32.27 0.76


Event 127 28 NOV 2010 ­ 17:14

Men's 100m Backstroke 100m Dos Hommes Final


Record Name Location Date NOC Code Split

WR 48.94 THOMAN Nicholas USA Manchester (GBR) 18 DEC 2009 23.37

ER 48.97 DONETS Stanislav RUS Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 23.31

=ER 48.97 VYATCHANIN Arkady RUS Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 23.72

CR 48.97 DONETS Stanislav RUS Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 23.31

=CR 48.97 VYATCHANIN Arkady RUS Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009 23.72

DONETS Stanislav RUS 4 49.35 1 (1) 23.93 0.68


LESTINGI Damiano ITA 5 51.46 2 2.11 (7) 25.21 0.63


DUBOVSKOY Artem RUS 3 51.90 3 2.55 (5) 24.85 0.72


DI TORA Mirco ITA 6 52.08 4 2.73 (4) 24.81 0.60


DRIEBERGEN Nick NED 2 52.11 5 2.76 (2) 24.58 0.68


HERBST Stefan GER 7 52.33 6 2.98 (3) 24.78 0.64


LIJESEN Bastiaan NED 8 52.58 7 3.23 (6) 25.16 0.57


KOPELEV Jonatan ISR 1 52.60 8 3.25 (8) 25.42 0.66



Event 141 28 NOV 2010 ­ 17:19

Women's 200m Backstroke 200m Dos Femmes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code Splits

WR 2:00.18 SAKAI Shiho JPN Berlin (GER) 14 NOV 2009 27.91 58.66 1:29.49

ER 2:00.91 SIMMONDS Elizabeth GBR Manchester (GBR) 18 DEC 2009 28.27 58.64 1:29.77

CR 2:02.36 PUTRA Alexandra FRA Rijeka (CRO) 14 DEC 2008 29.18 1:00.15 1:31.36

DA ROCHA MARCE Duane ESP 3 2:03.97 1 (1) 1:32.57 (2) 1:01.19 (3) 29.78 0.74

31.41 31.38 31.40

VAN ROUWENDAAL Sharon NED 4 2:04.13 2 0.16 (2) 1:32.60 (1) 1:00.90 (1) 29.53 0.61

31.37 31.70 31.53

ZEVINA Daryna UKR 1 2:05.08 3 1.11 (3) 1:33.47 (3) 1:01.28 (2) 29.67 0.82

31.61 32.19 31.61

PUTRA Alexandra FRA 5 2:06.25 4 2.28 (5) 1:34.16 (5) 1:01.85 (5) 30.11 0.73

31.74 32.31 32.09

BAUMRTOVA Simona CZE 8 2:06.45 5 2.48 (6) 1:34.42 (7) 1:02.50 (8) 30.69 0.76

31.81 31.92 32.03

VAN DER ZANDEN Wendy NED 6 2:06.63 6 2.66 (7) 1:34.81 (8) 1:02.56 (6) 30.13 0.68

32.43 32.25 31.82

LARSEN Pernille DEN 2 2:06.92 7 2.95 (4) 1:33.94 (4) 1:01.50 (3) 29.78 0.79

31.72 32.44 32.98

BUYS Kimberly BEL 7 2:07.80 8 3.83 (8) 1:35.00 (6) 1:02.22 (7) 30.19 0.67

32.03 32.78 32.80


Event 136

28 NOV 2010 ­


Men's 50m Butterfly

50m Papillon Hommes


Record Name Location Date NOC Code

WR 21.80 DEIBLER Steffen GER Berlin (GER) 14 NOV 2009

ER 21.80 DEIBLER Steffen GER Berlin (GER) 14 NOV 2009

CR 22.07 DIETRICH Johannes GER Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009

DEIBLER Steffen GER 3 22.34 1 0.67

GOVOROV Andriy UKR 4 22.74 2 0.40 0.69

VERLINDEN Joeri NED 5 23.23 3 0.89 0.70

FACCHINELLI Paolo ITA 2 23.25 4 0.91 0.68

SPITZER Martin AUT 6 23.31 5 0.97 0.69

TODOROVIC Mario CRO 7 23.42 6 1.08 0.66

PUNINSKI Alexei CRO 8 23.50 7 1.16 0.69

LANG Flori SUI 1 23.56 8 1.22 0.70


Event 135 28 NOV 2010 17:39

Women's 50m Freestyle 50m Nage Libre Femmes Final

Record Name Location Date NOC Code

WR 23.25 VELDHUIS Marleen NED Manchester (GBR) 13 APR 2008

ER 23.25 VELDHUIS Marleen NED Manchester (GBR) 13 APR 2008

CR 23.32 SCHREUDER Hinkelien NED Istanbul (TUR) 13 DEC 2009

KROMOWIDJOJO Ranomi NED 4 23.58 1 0.72

SCHREUDER Hinkelien NED 5 23.90 2 0.32 0.69

STEFFEN Britta GER 3 23.95 3 0.37 0.64

BRANDT Dorothea GER 6 24.48 4 0.90 0.66

SERIKOVA Oxana UKR 2 24.58 5 1.00 0.71

KHITRAYA Yuliya BLR 1 24.63 6 1.05 0.74

KOBA Nadiya UKR 8 24.79 7 1.21 0.66

SANTAMANS Anna FRA 7 25.02 8 1.44 0.65


Traducere din Română în Engleză

Obs., The 'hot' as the contest:
is strange that some prestigious Eurosport commentators have not noticed and have attracted attention again, those 'left behind'..., as:
1. biotype elite swimmers started to lean towards the long and thin, without excessive muscle mass (like Bousquet) / at most, and especially in boys, girls still take advantage of incentives used by these guys .......; body I'm new generation of swimmers we have, identical, since about 10-15 years, will be closer to representing 'pencil' opposite of the 'Keystone'...... and it seems that I missed.
2. Men's 200m free race, won by Izotov, Biedermann sea of competition ... was a struggle between 'swimming schools' of the two nations: to my joy, 'Russian' to swim, calm and long, gliding on the water like he was pulling a rope while 'the deutsch' swam upside water and water park stick technique Russians, Hungarians and even more visible is the "right" (!) than others. There - the science of swimming seems to be it 'home ...!
That 's hard to notice details that escape at first sight and have to be more experienced and dedicated professional that can see and comment on them .....
3. I do not know percentages, each RM were made yet in the company of new swimming suits, suits quite different from those used last year ....?

Obs., la 'cald' dupa terminarea concursului::

este ciudat ca niste comentatori de prestigiu de la Eurosport sa nu fi sesizat si sa fi atras atentia nou, celor 'ramasi acasa'..., ca:

1. biotipul inotatatorilor de elita a inceput sa incline spre cel lung si subtire, fara masa musculara exagerata (gen Bousquet)/ la majoritatea si mai ales la baieti, fetele inca mai profita de stimulentele folosite de baieti .......; corpul acestor noi generatii de inotatori eu l-am, asemuit, inca de cca 10-15 ani, ca se va apropia de reprezentare 'creion' opusa celui de 'trapez'...... si se pare ca nu am gresit.

2. cursa de 200 m liber masculin, castigata de Izotov, la mare concurenta de Biedermann... a fost o lupta intre 'scolile de inot' ale celor 2 natiuni: spre bucuria mea, ’rusul’ a inotat, calm si lung, alunecand pe apa de parca era tras de o sfoara pe cand ’neamtu’ a inotat cu capul in apa si parca ciomagea apa; tehnica rusilor si chiar a maghiarilor este mult mai vizibil "corecta'(!) decat a celorlalti. Acolo – ‚stiinta’ inotului pare sa fie la ‚ea’ acasa...!

Aste-s 'fineturi' care scapa la prima vedere si trebuie sa fii specialist inrait ca sa le poti vedea si comenta.....

3. Nu stiu, procentual, cate RM s-au realizat totusi in compania noilor costume de inot, costume sensibil diferite fata de cele folosite in anul trecut....?

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