Sunday, November 20, 2016

Invatarea ‘la intamplare’, Intrecerile ‘la gramada’….

Odata cu relansarea JO (1860…. E.Zappa+1896 Pierre Fredy de Coubertin) dupa traditiile jocurilor antice, inotul a devenit, treptat un sport indragit si din ce in ce mai calificat (primul campion olimpic, la inot a fost maghiarul/evreu Alfred Gutmann Hajois, de fapt dublu campion, in proba scurta si in cea de fond; Alfred, apoi a devenit architect si lui I s-a dat onoarea de a proiecta si construi Complexul de natatie Margytsiget, de la B-Peste…)

In materie de inot, mereu au exsitat fel de fel de idei noi, de inovatii, toate menite de a creste viteza de deplasare in probe din ce in ce mai numeroase.

Acesti ani centenary au  debutat cu infiintarea FINA(1908) care a facut o ‘curatenie’ zdravana in cele cca 500 de recorduri de inot-concurs, 

apoi la cele 2 prime procedee folosite (Bras si Craul/Trudjon) au aparut probele de Spate (Hebner,USA,1912) si cele de future (prin Bras datorita lui Rademacher, Germ., si apoi prin ondulatii delfin../invenatorul a fost elevul unui celebru antrenor american antebelic, Armburster, pe numele studentului Jack Sieg, Iowa Univ… in 1935 a performat 100 yd. in 1.02.2, dar STC/FINA din acea vreme nu a acceptat inovatia, la JO Berlin(1936) au triumfat nemtii, apoi a venit al 2-lea RM …, cand in 1952, doi maghiari (Titi Acs si Gyorgy Tumpec) au lansat Delfinul de astazi, secondati de Alex. Popescu si ‘modestul’ M.Olaru / care in1954, la Rostock DDR au reusit normele de MS cu 1.04,2 si 1.07,1, (pt mine era a 5-a perf.mondiala a momentului…, deh, acum fetele fac timpii astia la antrenament…).

Treptat inotul a devenit un symbol al civilizatiei, americanii a lansat sistemul ‘age groups’ care angrena milioane de copii, system adoptat treptat de multe alte federatii  pt ca in final sa devina o activitate agreata de FINA; ‘age groups system’ a generat moda ‘copiilor minune’ si nu putini au crezut ca perfromanta maxima apartine acestora… treptat specialistii si-au dat seama ca organismul tanar (care, culmea are o mare adaptabilitate de la efort pana cand volumul inimii crestea atat de mult incat ventricolele se micsorau si deci cantitatea de sange se diminua, astfel aparand ‘plafonarea’ si multe, multe regrete…); treptat specialistii si-au dat seama ca organismul tanar nu poate depasi ‘granite’ de viteza cu ‘echipament’ inca nedezvoltat (se stie ca daca Viteza de inot creste in progresie aritmetica…, Rezistenta apei la inaintarea corpului creste in progresie geometrica…., fapt care pretindea un ‘echipament’ biologic de adult (vezi biotipul M.Phelps s.a.)

Ca semn al civilizatiei, inotul a produs si multe bazine si centre de agreement in apa, adevarate ‘therme romane’ ale sec. XXI…, iar in acest ‘iures’ de preocupari elitiste, stiinta prin doi reprezentati de faima mondiala explica tendinta categorica, ca performanta maxima va fi facuta de exemplare cu biotip ‘urias’(vezi M.Phelps, Usain Bold, rf.Adrian Bejan, Duke Univ., USA) si alt Adrian… Bird/ , un englez, care  certifica ca AND-ul nostru, cel cu care ne-am nascut si de care beneficiem in mod obisnuit…, se poate modifica daca este ‘bombardat’ intens cu stimuli specifici…, nu in cazul aceleias persoane (unde modificarile ar fi infime…) ci in cazul generatiilor urmatoare, beneficiare ale impulsurilor anterioare; pe scurt – populatiile care au in exsitenta lor si aportul dat de practicarea sportului, in cazul nostru a inotului, DEVIN  ‘mai sportive’ si deci ‘mai apte’ de a realiza performante neobisnuit de bune….

Trag linie la acest expozeu in care am incercat sa creionez traditiile noastre nautice in plan general… si comentez doar 2 aspecte proprii noua, izvorate din activitatile recente privind dezvoltarea natatiei romanesti : Invatarea inotului sportiv(A)…. si Formula de Organizarea intrecerilor de natatie la noi(B) !

Fara a ma lungi vorba eu calific, adjectivez activitatea evocata mai inainte astfel:

” Invatarea ‘la intamplare’(I), Intrecerile ‘la gramada’…(II).!”

I/ Invatarea inotului este astazi o activitate perfect intamplatoare, metodica noastra nu detine o linie de exercitii, de etape, etc., obligatoriu a fi parcursa de fiecare antrenor si evident de fiecare ‘sportiv’ (in metodica germana, de ex., era obligatoriu ca invatarea inotului sa inceapa prin procedeul Spate (iar eu adaug din experienta personala…’prin procedeul BRAS pe SPATE’ !) + fiecare debutant este incurajat sa faca ‘ce poate el mai bine, mai tare’… fara ca perioada asta de debut, de invatare+perfectionare tehnica sa beneficieze de aportul obisnuirii copiilor cu ‘exercitiul fizic’ sub forma educatiei fizice generale, etapa extrem de necesara pentru a acompania valentele pozitive ale practicarii inotului cu cele induse de EFS (vezi lectia de gimnastica din scoala, adaptata la lectia de invatare a inotului); ar mai fi multe de adaugat dar ma opresc aici pentru a trece la…

II/ Viata noastra socio-economica trece printr-o perioada nesfarsita a unei tranzitii ‘extraetrestre’ parca.., aceste neajunsuri se reflecta si in practica de zi cu zi a celor implicati in activitate; greutatile par de netrecut dar, remarc, ca aprox., aceleasi neajunsuri le au si vecinii nostri din Ungaria si..’no comment’, dece = noi avem avantajul unei populatii nationale duble/ deci numar mai mare de posibili incepatori…(a)., eu stiam ca in urma cu cca 30 de ani, noi aveam un numar dublu de bazine olimpice fata de cele din Ungaria(b). Stiu ca nu este usor… dar tot eu stiu ca daca se vrea.. se poate !.

 Iata argumentul meu…: el vine din studentie, respectiv din Cursul de Organizare a EFS, curs sustinut de exceptionalul Emil Ghibu, prof.- doctor, secretar atunci al CNEFS; la prima lectie a sa…., am retinut si nu am uitat… aceasta alegatie:”atunci cand veti da de greutati, lipsa de rezultate, etc.…, nu dati vina pe sportivi, pe baza materiala preacra, pe lipsa banilor /adaug eu acum..,cumpaniti cum ati ORGANIZAT activitatea ce o desfasurati; in felul cum organizati activiattea sta si succesul !”

In ultima perioada am remarcat apetitul celor din Colegiu Antrenorilor…, apetit care se remarca, mai ales, la intrecerile hunedoriene (Campionatul national –sen.,jun.,cadeti(?)..; practic regulamentul invita participantii sa incerce a ocupa locurile din finala celor 6 culuoare de la bazinul amintit, inidferent de grupa lor de varsta…

 Ce s-a intamplat….? Este remarcabil ca fiecare finala din cele cca 30-34 de probe culoarele sunt pline si asta ‘da bine’ la mass-media…., deci nimeni nu poate spune ceva de rau despre cele petrecute…., dar astfel se ‘acopera’ o ‘gaura mare’ de competitor din grupele  de Seniori…, de Juniori… samd. Astea’s intreceri ‘la gramada’, finalele sunt pline, recordurile apar dar mai ales la grupele de varsta inca in faza de afirmare international iar ‘noi’ putem ‘defila’ ca invingatori…’tot la gramada’

Am recunoscut ca greutatile actuale sunt greu de depasit… dar este absolut nevoie sa iesiti din starea asta…. Cum ? Folosind cuvantul ala, care a aparut la tribuna I-a la meciul de fotbal cu Polonia..: "IMPREUNA".
 Fara  individualism, fara invidii, fara ranchiuna si mai ales cu mai mult spirit de ‘faire-play’.

La fel, ar mai fi multe de scris, dare u acum inchei acest text, cu un usor spirit de pamphlet…., urandu-va sa fiti mereu ‘IMPREUNA”......

Mircea Olaru 20 Nov. 2016 Buc.,pensionar si retras din activitate cu fizicul..., nu si cu psy !
With the relaunch OJ (1860 .... E.Zappa + 1896 Pierre Fredy de Coubertin) after games ancient traditions, swimming has gradually become a sport loved and increasingly more qualified (the first Olympic champion in swimming was Hungarian / Hebrew Alfred Gutmann Hajois actually double champion in brief sample in the background, Alfred, then became architect and he was given the honor to design and build complex swimming Margytsiget from B-Peste ...)

In terms of swimming, always there were all sorts of new ideas, innovations, all designed to increase speed in evidence increasingly numerous.

These centenary year started with the establishment of FINA (1908) who made a 'clean' soundly in the roughly ancient 500 records swimming contest,

then the 2 stroke used raw (Bras and Crawl / Trudjon) occurred samples Backstroke ('Crawl', Hebner, USA, 1912) and those of the future (via Bras thanks to Rademacher, Germ., and then through the undulations dolphin ../ inventer pf dolfin was a student of a famous prewar American coach, Armburster, the student's name Jack Sieg Univ ... Iowa in 1935 performed 100 yd. in 1.02.2, but STC / FINA at the time did not accept innovation, OG Berlin (19 360 triumphed Germans, then came 2nd RM ... when in 1952, two Hungarians (Titi Acs and Gyorgy Tumpec) today launched Dolphin, seconded by Alex. Popescu and 'modest' M.Olaru / that in1954 at Rostock DDR managed rules of MS 1.04,2 and 1.07,1, for me it was the 5th time global performance ... eh, girls now make time to workout guys ...).

Swimming gradually became a symbol of civilization, in the '50s, the Americans launched the system 'age groups' that engage millions of children, system gradually adopted by many other federations in order to finally become an activity approved by FINA; 'Age groups system' generated fashion 'child prodigy' and not a few thought the best performance belongs to them ... gradually specialists have realized that the body young (which, ironically has great adaptability of the effort until the volume of the heart grew so ventricols much that is shrinking inside and therefore decrease the amount of blood, thus appearing 'capping' and many, many regrets ...); gradually specialists have realized that young body can not overcome 'borders' of speed 'equipment' still undeveloped (known if speed swimming increases in arithmetic progression ..., water resistance to advancing the body increases geometrically ...., which claimed a 'equipment' biological adult (see biotype was M.Phelps)

As a sign of civilization, swimming pools and produced and many leisure centers in water, true 'Roman therme' of sec. XXI ... and this 'rush' of concerns elitist science represented by two world famous trend explain categorical that maximum performance will be made copies of biotype 'giant' (see M.Phelps, Usain Bold, rf. Bejan Adrian, Duke Univ., USA) and other ... Adrian Bird /, an English, which certifies that our DNA, one with which we are born and that we enjoy usually ... may change if 'bombarded' with specific stimuls intense ... not the same person (where the changes would be insignificant ...) but if our next generation beneficiaries of previous impulses; briefly - in populations who have given their existence and contribution of sport in our case of swimming, becomme 'sportier' and therefore 'better placed' to realize unusually good performance ....

Draw the line at this exposé we tried to outline nautical traditions in general plan ... and comment only 2 issues in new activities surging Romanian natatiei recent development: Learning swimming athlete (A) .... Formula and the organization of swimming competitions at us (B)!

I long without it I qualify adjective activity evoked earlier this:

'Learning' at random '(I) Fights' the pile' ... (II). "

I / Learning swimming is an activity perfectly random, our method does not have a line of exercise, steps, with clear rules, etc., required to be covered by each coach and obviously every 'sport' (in the German method, for example. it was mandatory teaching swimming to begin the process Rear (and I add from personal experience ... 'by the process BRAS back'!) + to us, every rookie is encouraged to do 'what it can do better, harder' ... no that this time debut, learning + perfecting technique to benefit from the contribution obisnuirii children 'exercise' in the form of physical education general milestone required to accompany the strengths of practicing swimming to those induced by EFS (see lesson gymnastics school, adapted from a swimming lesson learning) would have added much to stop here but to move on ...

II / Our life socioeconomic going through a period of transition endless 'extraetrestre' .. if these shortcomings are reflected in the daily practice of those involved in the activity;
 difficulties seem insurmountable but note that approx., the same shortcomings their neighbors in Hungary and nostril .. 'no comment', why - we have the double advantage of a national population / higher number possible so beginners ... (a ). I knew that after over 30 years, we had double the number of Olympic swimming pools to those in Hungary (b). I know it is not easy ... but still I know that if it wants .. can.

 ... Here's my argument: he comes from student respectively of course Organization of EFS, being supported by exceptional Emil Ghibu, Professor-doctor, then secretary of CNEFS;
 first lesson was .... I do not remember and I forgot ... this allegation: "when you give weights, lack of results, etc. ... not blame the athletes based on preacra material, the lack of money / add I now .., pondered how you organize the work that you are doing; stand in the way organized work and success! "

Lately I noticed the appetite of the College Coaches ... appetite which is remarkable, especially at hunedoriene competitions (National Championships -sen., Jun., Fall (?) .. When practically rules invite participants to try to fill seats
 in the final of the 6 ing in the basin recalled inidferent of their age group ...

 What happened….?
 It is remarkable that each of the final culuoarele about 30-34 samples are full and that 'look good' to the media ...., So nobody can say anything bad about what happened .... But so is 'covers' a 'big hole' contestants Seniors groups ... Junior ... and so on.

 That's racing 'in bulk', the finals are full, especially records appear to age groups still under international affirmation and 'we' can 'scroll' as winners ... 'all the pile'

I recognized that the current hardships are difficult to overcome ... but absolutely need to get out of this state ....
 How? Using that word, which appeared on the rostrum I was the football match with Poland ..: TOGETHER.

 Without individualism, without jealousies, without rancor and especially with more spirit of 'fair play'.

Equally, it would be much more to write, but I now conclude this text with an easy spirit pamphlet ...., Wishing will always be 'TOGETHER'

Mircea Olaru 20 Nov.
 2016 Pcs., Retired and retired with physical ... not with psy!


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