Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inventions, Innovations and Ideas for Sale or License

Inventions, Innovations and Ideas for Sale or License

sursa: IdeaConnection.com
Abdominal Muscle Exercise Machine

Designed for Personal, Home or Office use. Portable, Easy to Carry anywhere desired, Dorms, Offices, Bedrooms, Gyms settings. Weight of the Machine: 30 lbs. Box: Length: 55" Width: 20" Height: 6" Holds Weight: 300 lbs.

Full Description:
Multifunctional Exercise Machine is versatile, adjustable, lightweight, portable easy to carry. Designed for total body workout, using your body's own weight at your own pace. Doing whatever exercise desired. It accommodates users of all sizes. Perfect for personal, home or office use. Capable of doing six or seven different exercises in this one machine without having to change machines for different exercises that will strength upper and lower body. [Sit Ups, Glutes, Leg Extensions, Leg Rises, Torso extension for upper body strength] holds weight up to 300lbs men or women.

Non-Disclosure Agreement:

Attached files:
sit ups hands crossed.jpg
male exercising.jpg
Torso extension (4).jpg
double leg raises.jpg

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]

Available for consultation? Yes

People voting on IdeaConnection have rated this idea: 11/100

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Invention #10039

Date posted: 2007-01-06

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dupa fiecare 'sedinta' din asta... nu uitati sa faceti un fel de 'auto-masaj': gasiti 2tuburi mai largi din PVC (diametru de minimum 10-15 cm.), taiati-le de cca 1,0 m lungime.

Culcati-va cu spatele pe ele astfel incat fiecare sa poata 'masa': ceafa pana la torace si de la torace pana la solduri, etc.

Culcat pe spate fiind, greutatea corpului va apasa musculatura obosita si o va 'framanta' redandu-i supletea.

Tuburile pot si tinute la o distanta fixa unul de celalalt cu cate o bucata de fier beton, indoit sub forma de 'U', la fiecare capat - astfel tuburile nu vor putea sa se deplaseze necontrolat etc.